Officers & Trustees
Adelaide Marlatt
Jeannie Whitliff
Gary Coleman
Phyllis Kline
President of Club
Nancy Paulson
Officers and Directors
Vice President
Immediate Past President
Rotary Foundation


Board Approved: 4/24/2014
Club Ratified: 05/08/2014
Section 1:  All the members of the ROCKPORT ROTARY CLUB shall be members of this corporation.  Each member in good standing of the ROCKPORT ROTARY CLUB shall be entitled to vote as a member of this corporation.
Section 2:  No part of the net earnings or assets of the corporation shall ever inure to the benefit of, or be distributed to, any officer, Trustee, member or other private person except as permitted by law in accordance with the carrying out of the scholarship program, and except that the corporation shall be authorized to pay reasonable  compensation for services rendered as approved by the Board of trustees.
Election of Officers and Trustee
                Section 1:  At the annual meeting of the ROCKPORT ROTARY CLUB, the members of that club shall elect the Trustees of this corporation.  The Board of Trustees shall consist of five (5) members, one of which shall be the President of the Rockport Rotary Club, during the year while he/she is serving as President.  The other four directors shall each serve a two (2) year term, and two (2) of said directors shall be elected each year.  The term of each Trustee shall begin on July 1st of the year following his/her election.  The nominations may be presented by a nominating committee or by a member from the floor, be either or by both.  No second of the nomination shall be required.  The candidates receiving a majority of votes shall be declared elected.
                Section 2:  The Board of Trustees, so elected, shall elect the officers of the corporation, consisting of a President, Secretary, Treasurer and such other officers as the Board shall deem necessary, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board, for the purpose of carrying out the policies established by the Board to implement the purposes of this corporation.  Such officers need not be Trustees.
                Section 3:  A vacancy in the Board of Trustees or any office shall be filled by action of the remaining members of the Board, the appointee to serve for the unexpired term of the person vacated.
Article III
Duties of the Board of Trustees
                The governing body of this corporation shall be the Boards of Trustees elected in accordance with Article II, Section 1 of these By-Laws.  Such Board shall oversee, manage and conduct the business of the corporation in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation, these By-Laws, the laws of the State of Texas and all applicable tax laws of the United States of America.
Article IV
Duties of Officers
                Section 1:  PRESIDENT. It shall be the duty of the president to preside at all meetings of the corporation and to perform such other duties as ordinarily pertains to his office.  The term of the President shall begin and end as decided by the Board of Trustees.
                Section 2:  SECRETARY.  It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep the records of membership, minutes of all meetings, prepare and fill all reports as required by any governmental agencies, send out all required notices and perform such other duties as usually pertain to his/her office.
                Section 3:  TREASURER.  It shall be the duty of the treasurer to have custody of all funds, accounting for same to the Board monthly and at any other time upon demand by the Board and to perform such other duties as pertain to his/her office.
Article V
                Section 1:  ANNUAL MEETING. An annual meeting of this corporation shall be held on the 2nd Thursday in December in each year at which time the election of Trustees to serve in accordance with Art. II, Sec. I shall take place.
                Section 2:  One-third of the membership shall constitute a quorum at the annual meetings of this corporation.
                Section 3:  Regular meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be held quarterly, at such times and places to be decided upon by the Board.  Special meetings of the Board may be called by the president, whenever deemed necessary, or upon the request of two members of the Board.  Notice of all meetings will be made at least seven (7) days before the meeting in writing, or by email, to all members.  The Board of Trustees shall file a report to the Club after the quarterly meetings.
                Section 4:  Two Trustees present at a duly noticed meeting of the Board of trustees shall constitute a quorum of the board.
Article VI
Management of Property
                Section 1:  Contracts.  The Board of Trustees may authorize any officer to enter into any contract by executing the same on behalf of the corporation, for the purpose of carrying out the corporate charitable purposes.
                Section 2:  Upon dissolution of the corporation, the Board of Trustees shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all of the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of the assets of the corporation exclusively for the purpose of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization as are permitted under section 501 c (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, and in the absence of other determination, all assets remaining shall be distributed by order of the District Court of Aransas County, Texas to such local charity as shall be deemed appropriate by such court.
                Section 3:  The corporation shall not engage in any political activity, nor shall it engage in or carry on any activities not permitted to a corporation under the provisions of section 501c (3) or section 170 c (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as amended, nor shall any of its income or assets be used for any such purpose.
Article VII
                Section 1:  All funds previously owned, held or maintained by the Rockport Rotary Club in its scholarship program have been turned over to the corporation, and shall henceforth constitute the ROCKPORT ROTARY CLUB SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION Endowment Fund.
                Section 2:  The treasurer shall deposit all funds of the corporation in a bank or other financial institution to be named by the Board.
                Section 3:  All and including the scholarship awards shall be paid by checks signed by the treasurer or by the financial institution being used by the Board.  A thorough audit of all financial transaction shall be made every year, by a certified public accountant or other qualified person.
                Section 4:  The Board of Trustees shall invest, reinvest, and otherwise manage the funds so held for the purpose of generating income therefrom to provide the scholarship funds necessary to provide the scholarships herein detailed.
                Section 5:  All contribution received, and any income earned from any activities, shall be added to the corpus of the endowment fund.  It is contemplated that funds from the following sources may be received and will become a part of the corpus:
  1.  Contributions by any individual
  2. Contributions from the Rockport Rotary Club  
  3. Fund raising projects sponsored by the Rockport Rotary Club to support the Endowment Fund.
Section 6:  All income earned from the corpus of the scholarship funds shall be available for (1) expenses of operations and (2) the funding of the scholarships, which shall be the only expenditures authorized out of the income from the endowment fund.  The Board shall have the authority to add to the corpus any unexpended income to the extent allowed by law.
Section 7 Officers having charge or control of funds shall give bond as may be required by the Board for the safe custody of the funds of the corporation; the cost of such bond to be borne by the corporation.
                Section 8: The fiscal year of this corporation as well as the scholarship year shall extend from July 1 to June 30.
                Section 9:  At the beginning of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall submit to the Board a proposal for the budget of estimated income and estimated expenditures for the year, which budget, upon adoption by the Board, and approved by the members of the Club, shall stand as the limit of expenditures for the respective purposes unless otherwise ordered by action of the Board.
Article VIII
Scholarship Program
Section 1:  Purpose.  The Rockport Rotary Club Scholarship program is designed to provide two services:
  1.  Recognize outstanding students at Rockport-Fulton High School;
  2. Provide one or more annual scholarships to graduates of Rockport-Fulton High School or such other accredited school as the Board of Trustees shall determine.
Section 2:  Rockport-Fulton High School Coordinators.  These coordinators will provide assistance and information to the Foundation that will help in selecting the student of the month and annual scholarship candidates.
Section 3:  Student of the month.
  1. Each month of the Rockport-Fulton High School Coordinators will give each faculty member an application for outstanding student of the month.  The completed applications are reviewed by a committee consisting of the two counselors and faculty members.  (The faculty members are rotated each year.)  The committee selects the student of the month based on number of nominations, outstanding achievement, over-all contribution to the school and community, and specific examples of criteria on the selection form.
  2. The outstanding student so selected will be recognized as a guest of the ROCKPORT ROTARY CLUB.  The student will be expected to give a short speech on his or her plans and goals.
  3. The student will be given a Certificate recognizing his/her accomplishments.
Section 4.  Selection of Scholarship Student
  1.  Candidates for the annual scholarship awards are limited to graduated students of the Rockport-Fulton High School or any other accredited high school in Aransas County.
  2. In April, the Board of Trustees will determine the number and amount of scholarships to be awarded for the coming school year.
  3. All candidates must complete an application on standard forms provided by the High School coordinator including completing the 4-Way Test form furnished by the Scholarship Committee.
  4. The applicant must include the following items:
  1. Indicate the accredited technical or academic school or university chosen by the student with proof of acceptance if available.
  2. The applicant must be submitted within the time frame established by the school coordinator.
  3. High school transcript and test scores from ACT, SAT and/or other similar tests.
  4. A statement of no criminal involvement and freedom from additive substances.
  5. Statement of family financial resources signed by parent or guardian.
  1. After reviewing the applications the Board of Trustees will select one or more of the students as recipient(s) of any scholarship(s) to be awarded for the coming school year.
  2. Student and parents will sign a form accepting scholarship information.
  3. The recipient may use the scholarship, to the extent that funds are sufficient for payment of tuition and books.  One half of the scholarship funds will be payable by check to the school and student when the student shows proof of acceptance by the school, and the other half of the funds will be released to the school and student at the beginning of the second semester upon receipt of the grade report showing acceptable scholarship achievement during the first semester. Student(s) must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better average to receive the second half of the scholarship.
  4. Student(s) must maintain full time status of 12 hours per semester.  If the student does not maintain 12 hours with a GPA of 3.0, the Board may allow the student(s) to make up during the second semester.
  5. The President of the Foundation or her/his appointee will present the award at the Rockport-Fulton High School Awards program.
Section 5:  Selection of scholarship availability awardees may be published in the local newspaper.
Section 6:  The Board shall make such rules and establish such time tables for the implementation of the scholarship program as are administratively necessary provided they do not conflict with these By-Laws.
Section 7:  Qualifications for Scholarship Students.
  1.  A candidate must be a graduate of the Rockport-Fulton or any other accredited high school and a resident of Aransas County.
  2. The candidate must require the scholarship from a financial perspective in order to be able to continue his or her education.
  3. The candidate must possess personal qualities of leadership, character, integrity and service.
  4. Children of the Trustees of the Foundation are not eligible for consideration.
  5. Grades test scores from ACT, SAT, or other similar tests will be considered.
Article IX
These By-Laws may be amended at any annual meeting of the members of the corporation, or at any special meeting called for the purpose, a quorum being present, by a two-thirds vote of all members present, provided that the notice of such proposed amendment shall have been mailed or e-mailed to each member at least ten days before such meeting.  No amendments or addition to these By-Laws can be made which is not in harmony with the laws of the State of Texas or the tax laws of the United States, or which would place in jeopardy the tax exempt status of the corporation.
Reviewed December 15, 2010 by Ruth Davis, President.
Rockport Rotary Club Charles A Evans Scholarship Foundation
By-Laws change 4/24/2014
At a special called meeting of the Board of trustees on April 24, 2014 the committee members voted to add e-mail to Article IX.
Myra B. Kline, President