The new Rotary Year started on July 1, 2024. Happy Thanksgiving to all. District Govenor's visit November 16, 2023, noon meeting at HuDat's.All members are encouraged to attend and as always guest are welcome.
New Rotary Year Starts July 1, 2023
2023-07-02 05:00:00Z |
We are going to try Virtual Zoom meetings for the month of June. Even though we have started opening up in Rockport and Fulton, there is no place open with enough capacity for their regular customers and the club. Many of our members are still "staying home" due to health and age issues. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thursday Meeting with ZoomTopic: Thursday Meeting with Zoom, June 25, 2020 Time: Jun 25, 2020 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Meeting will open at 11:30 for fellowship and I will ring a bell and start the meeting at 12:00. Join Zoom Meeting Please call or email President Nancy Paulson @ 361-463-8791 or nancy@rockportwebsites.com by 11:00 am on Thursday, if you would like the meeting access information. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If the Rockport Rotary Club would decide to hold in person meetings, we would be following the Rotary International guidelines. Most importantly, the Board decided that no in-person Rotary meeting or event shall be mandatory. Anyone who feels uncomfortable attending because of the pandemic, will be permitted to skip in-person events. This is a major change for us, and an essential one if we are going to properly care for all Rotarians and continue to put their health and safety first.
Virtual Zoom meetings for the month of June.
2020-06-09 05:00:00Z |
 Camp Aranzazu’s new cabin is finally complete. We now need to lay the sod and put together some porch furniture, so we are hosting Camp Care Day this Saturday. Registration is at 7:45 a.m. We will work from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. (but you are welcome to leave early). We will provide lunch and drinks. We have 104 acres---social distancing is EASY!!! Please let me know if you can join us or if you have any questions. Thank you! Virginia Virginia C. Ballard President Camp Location: 5420 Loop 1781, Rockport, TX 78382 / 361-727-0800 Houston Business Office: 8945 Long Point, Ste. 200, Houston, TX 77055
Camp Aranzazu Volunteer Opportunity this Saturday!
2020-06-09 05:00:00Z |
Do we as a club, or some of our members, follow the lead of lots of other Rotarians around the world and start doing some service projects in our community? Please read the email from Cathy Hinchman, a former member now living in Sugarland, about what her club is doing in response to COVID-19. Please contact your President, Nancy Paulson or any Board member if you would like to serve your community - one of these ideas or make a suggestion. There may be some funds available for projects this Rotary year.
Possible Service Projects
2020-04-17 05:00:00Z |
 For the first time, you can choose to respond online, by phone, or by mail. Respond today. The census helps shape many different aspects of your community. Everyone is counted. Download A Sample Form. Everyone Is Counted. Your Privacy Matters. The 2020 Census counts every person living in the United States and five U.S. territories. In mid-March, homes across the country began receiving invitations to complete the 2020 Census. Once the invitation arrives, you should respond for your home  in one of three ways: online, by phone, or by mail. When you respond to the census, you'll tell the Census Bureau where you live as of April 1, 2020. Less than 25% of Aransas County residents have responded. Can we help increase that percentage? Who can we encourage to respond? Let's do our part. Mike Murehead and Adelaide Marlatt are challenging the Rotary Club. Read their challenge by click the Read More link.
Census 2020
2020-04-17 05:00:00Z |
Message from President Nancy Paulson Out of an abundance of caution and to keep our members healthy and safe, the Rotary Club of Rockport, TX is cancelling our regular Thursday meetings until further notice. We did not make this decision lightly. However, we wish to adhere to the community guidelines put forth by the CDC, Rotary District 5930 and Rotary International.
Rotary Meetings Cancelled Until Further Notice
2020-04-17 05:00:00Z |
The E-Club of Houston and District 5890 (Houston Area) have arranged a special Zoom Rotary Meeting. Rotary International President Mark Maloney will be the Guest Speaker. Join in if you want I am very excited to share with you that Rotary International President Mark Maloney will join District 5890 at our weekly Electronic Meeting Thursday, April 2 at 7pm. Please log on to the link below at 6:45pm to make sure you can log in. Lets show President Mark that we are enthusiastic and engaged by having a huge number of Rotarians online Thursday night! Rotary District 5890 and the E-Club of Houston are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: Rotary District 5890 E-Meeting Time: Apr 2, 2020 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 577 643 701 One tap mobile +13462487799,,577643701# US (Houston) +16699006833,,577643701# US (San Jose) Dial by your location +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US +1 301 715 8592 US +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Meeting ID: 577 643 701
We have been invited to join a Zoom Meeting
2020-03-30 05:00:00Z |
 The 2020 MotoRide is Ready to Roll... Postponed
The 2020 MotoRide is Postponed
2020-03-16 05:00:00Z |
For the protection of everyone, it is with heavy hearts that we must announce the postponement of the Taste of Rockport-Fulton due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Please keep your tickets, they will still be good for the new date. We will keep you updated with any new information. Thanks for your understanding and support of the Taste of Rockport-Fulton!
Taste of Rockport-Fulton 2020
2020-03-16 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for March 12 - EVENING SOCIAL/MIXER
- LOCATION & TIME: Thursday at 5:00 pm at Benchwarmers/HuDat
- 104 North Fulton Beach Road, Fulton, Texas 78358
- The club, Gary Goldate and Steve Clarkson will be buying the first round of appetizers. Drinks and other food items are the responsibility of each person.
- See you there!
Next Week's Program - March 19 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Speaker - Russ Mumaw
- Topic - Salvation Army in Rockport, Fulton & Aransas County
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for March 12
2020-03-11 05:00:00Z |
Hosted by The Rotary Club of Rockport, Charles A Evans Scholarship Foundation
Date: March 26th, 2020 Location: La Palma Event Center, 2955 Hwy 35 N, Rockport, TX 78382 Theme: “Luau by the Bay” (casual, tropical clothing)Today the “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton tradition continues. This is your opportunity to attend this historic event! We invite you for an evening of - great island entertainment,
- tasty food, and
- friendly fun
as you compete to buy unique items during auctions held throughout the evening. | Tickets Available at |
The 19th Annual Taste of Rockport-Fulton – Luau by the Bay – will feature some of our most unique restaurants and will allow you to taste and enjoy some of Rockport-Fulton’s favorite foods while enjoying island sound and atmosphere (see below list of Restaurants and Caterers). Food! Open Bar! Auctions! Raffle!Come join Rotary Volunteers, Board Members, Friends and Restaurateurs as we work to prepare an evening of fun during which we make the funding of 2020 scholarships happen! Sponsor a Table or an Auction Item. You and your generosity are the key to making this happen. Please select one of the different ways you can help below. Restaurants 2020- Paradise Key Dockside Bar & Grill
- Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- Stevie Lew’s BBQ Kitchen
- Mermaid’s Kitchen
- Latitude 28 02 Coastal Cuisine & Fine Art
- Moon Dog Seaside Eatery
- The Bakery Café
- Mac’s Pit Barbecue & Catering
- Lighthouse Liquor Gourmet Foods
- Fulton Irish Pub and Grill
- Toscano Burgers & More
- Bellino's
- Philly King
- Quirky Birds Coffee
- Andrews Distributing
- Republic National Distributing Company
| Sponsors 2020Join Us as A SponsorDownload our 2020 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY information sheet. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table Sponsors - Jerry & Mary Channell
- John & Adelaide Marlatt Enterprises
- Spears & Co Real Estate
- The Rockport Group at Morgan Stanley
- GSM Insurors
- Judge Richard Bianchi & Friends
- NavyArmy Community Credit Union
- Karen Mella, Realtor
Donations and Services |
Taste of Rockport-Fulton 2020 - updated
2020-03-11 05:00:00Z |
 Please put one more event on your calendar. Sunday, March 22 at 9:00 am the band of motorcycle riders will be coming through Rockport. They will be stopping at Terri's office (Coldwell Banker Real Estate, 404 Broadway St, Rockport, TX 78382) for coffee and donuts. Please come, visit, cheer the riders on, and make a donation. The 2020 MotoRide is Ready to Roll...You have been a super star in our eyes and have helped us in the past with either your encouragement or your generous pledge, donation and participation during our MotoRides and we really appreciate everything you have done to for Rotary District 5930. If you haven't helped before and are inspired to help meet our goal of $10,000 during our the ride, this is a great time to help! Be a Super Star today! By supporting the 2020 MotoRide, your donation can be matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and each dollar donated turns into 3! You can also follow us on the ride by liking our Facebook page and support us along the 800 mile South Texas route throughout the Rotary District 5930. View the route by clicking Read More
2020 MotoRide
2020-03-02 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program - March 5 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Taste of Rockport Updates
- Classification talks and getting to know our members
- Starting at 12:30 pm - Scholarship Foundation Meeting, Adelaide Marlatt, President
Next Week's Program for March 12 - EVENING SOCIAL/MIXER
- LOCATION & TIME: Thursday at 5:00 pm at Benchwarmers/HuDat
- 104 North Fulton Beach Road, Fulton, Texas 78358
- The club, Gary Goldate and Steve Clarkson will be buying the first round of appetizers. Drinks and other food items are the responsibility of each person.
- See you there!
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for March 5
2020-03-01 06:00:00Z |
We had two Students of the Month present at our last meeting. Congratulations to each. Alexis Espino January Student of the Month | Kyler Skinner February Student of the Month |
Students of the Month - January & February
2020-03-01 06:00:00Z |
Hosted by The Rotary Club of Rockport, Charles A Evans Scholarship Foundation
Date: March 26th, 2020 Location: La Palma Event Center, 2955 Hwy 35 N, Rockport, TX 78382 Theme: “Luau by the Bay” (casual, tropical clothing)Today the “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton tradition continues. This is your opportunity to attend this historic event! We invite you for an evening of - great island entertainment,
- tasty food, and
- friendly fun
as you compete to buy unique items during auctions held throughout the evening. | Tickets Available at |
The 19th Annual Taste of Rockport-Fulton – Luau by the Bay – will feature some of our most unique restaurants and will allow you to taste and enjoy some of Rockport-Fulton’s favorite foods while enjoying island sound and atmosphere (see below list of Restaurants and Caterers). Food! Open Bar! Auctions! Raffle!Come join Rotary Volunteers, Board Members, Friends and Restaurateurs as we work to prepare an evening of fun during which we make the funding of 2020 scholarships happen! Sponsor a Table or an Auction Item. You and your generosity are the key to making this happen. Please select one of the different ways you can help below. Restaurants 2020- Paradise Key Dockside Bar & Grill
- Tropical Smoothie Cafe
- Stevie Lew’s BBQ Kitchen
- Mermaid’s Kitchen
- Latitude 28 02 Coastal Cuisine & Fine Art
- Moon Dog Seaside Eatery
- The Bakery Café
- Mac’s Pit Barbecue & Catering
- Lighthouse Liquor Gourmet Foods
- Fulton Irish Pub and Grill
- Toscano Burgers & More
- Bellino's
- Philly King
- Andrews Distributing
- National Republic Distributing Company
| Sponsors 2020Join Us as A SponsorDownload our 2020 SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITY information sheet. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Table Sponsors - Jerry & Mary Channell
- John & Adelaide Marlatt Enterprises
- Spears & Co Real Estate
- The Rockport Group at Morgan Stanley
- GSM Insurors
Donations and Services |
Taste of Rockport-Fulton 2020
2020-02-24 06:00:00Z |
District Conference 2020 - Are you ready for some Fun?The Conference opens with a fun evening at the Texas State Aquarium. This fun, low cost, family- and kid-friendly event will showcase how the world is connected. We will be in the new Caribbean exhibit and new Shark tank areas. Events are open to Rotarians, family and Friends of Rotary. Read these stories for more information | Schedule Friday, May 1 - > All Club Lunch - 11:00 am, Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi > Dinner & Family Fun at the Texas State Aquarium, 6 pm Saturday, May 2 - > Business Meeting 9 am, Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi > 4 Way Test Speech Contest, 9:30, Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi > Luncheon, 11:30, Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi > Governor’s Banquet, 6 pm Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi Sunday, May 3 - > Celebration of Life, 9 am, Omni Hotel, Corpus Christi |
What We Need from Clubs and RotariansFollow the links for information submission and/or contact person. For Friday All Club Lunch, May 1: - Area clubs should not schedule a club meeting the week of the District Conference – Encourage all members to attend the All Club Lunch
For throughout the conference: For Service Project: For Conference bags: - Advertise your business or club fundraiser with a flyer or "goodie"
For Celebration of Life: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Join us in Rotary fun and fellowship at lunches, dinners, service projects, and more. Don't miss out on this year's District Conference. Register NOW >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> District Conference Sponsors Interested in being a sponsor? Download the website sponsorship guide
A Special Event in May
2020-02-24 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for February 27 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Adelaide Marlatt and Student of the Month
- Classification talks and getting to know our members
Next Week's Program - March 5 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Taste of Rockport Updates
- Classification talks and getting to know our members
- Starting at 12:30 pm - Scholarship Foundation Meeting, Adelaide Marlatt, President
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for February 27
2020-02-24 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for February 20 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Paul Choules from the Texas Desalination Association
Next Week's Program - February 27 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Adelaide Marlatt and Student of the Month
- Classification talks and getting to know our members
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for February 20
2020-02-16 06:00:00Z |
At the Club Meeting on January 30, 2020 the following Officers and Directors were elected for the 2020-2021 Rotary Year. Thank you for your service. President | | Jeff Coleman | Immediate Past President | | Nancy Paulson | Secretary | | Cynthia Middleton | Treasurer | | Gary Goldate | Director/Youth Services | | Adelaide Marlatt | Director/Public Relations | | Hannah Miller |
We still need members to fill the positions of Vice President and President Elect. Please consider serving your Club in these positions. President Jeff will also be looking for members to chair various activities - Taste of Rockport-Fulton 2021, Rockport Film Festival 2020, various service projects, and programs for meetings. Please contact Jeff Coleman if you are willing to chair or serve on these committees.
Officers elected for 2020-2021 Rotary Year
2020-02-16 06:00:00Z |
“ROTARY YOUTH LEADERSHIP AWARDS” is a program designed to shape leadership skills in High School Sophomore and Junior Students who already possess and demonstrate outstanding leadership characteristics in their high school and community. RYLA Camp is a youth retreat with the main objective being to expose students to the many phases of leadership by learning from individuals who are already leaders in their community and businesses. Students attending the RYLA camp should leave the seminar with a better understanding of how to assume a positive leadership role in their school and community.
 The Rockport Rotary Club sent four students to RYLA this year - some for their first time and some returning as Trailblazers. Our Youth Services Director Adelaide Marlatt coordinated with HS counselors for the selection of the students. Read More about the RYLA program. Photo to the Right >>>>>>>> RYLA attendees from left LauraLee Dafft, Jade Schuler, Emily Sundbert Trevor Guillen and Jarrett Kernen. Jade was a Trailblazer, second year, funded by a grant of CC Rotary. Photo Below .............. The kids are, from left Jarrett Kernen, Trevor Guillen, Emily Sundberg, Jade Schuler and LauraLee Dafft
RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
2020-02-16 06:00:00Z |
District Conference May 1-3, 2020 in Corpus Christi. Friday, May 1 - - All Club Lunch
- Dinner & Family Fun at the Texas State Aquarium
Saturday, May 2 - - Business Meeting
- 4 Way Test Speech Contest
- Luncheon
- Governor's Banquet
Sunday, May 3 - Registration opens February 18, 2020 with Early Bird Specials Omni Corpus Christi & Texas State Aquarium in Corpus Christi, Texas - Sponsors
- Youth Activities
- Storytelling coordinators and helpers
- Ads for Program book - contact Nancy Paulson nancy@rockportwebsites.com
- Decoration helpers
- Sargent-At-Arms helpers
District Conference 2020
2020-02-11 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for February 13 - Evening Mixer/Social CANCELLED
Next Week's Program - February 20- LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Paul Choules from the Texas Desalination Association
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for February 13
2020-02-11 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for February 6th - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Carol Rehtmeyer from Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
Next Week's Program - February 13th- LOCATION & TIME: TBA
- Mixer
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for February 6
2020-01-27 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for January 30 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Amanda Torres from City of Rockport
Next Week's Program - February 6- LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Carol Rehtmeyer from Corpus Christi Museum of Science and History
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for January 30
2020-01-27 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for January 16 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Steve Banta from the USS Lexington
- Taste of Rockport-Fulton - see email to members for details
Next Week's Program - January 23- LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Adelaide Marlatt and Student of the Month
- Taste of Rockport-Fulton - see email to members for details
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for January 16
2020-01-14 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for January 9 - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- Club will pay for the first round of appetizers, iced tea and water. Members do not need to bring anything to share, except family, friends, and co-workers. Other drinks and food are member/guest responsibility.
Next Week's Program - January 16- LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Steve Banta from the USS Lexington
- Taste of Rockport-Fulton - see email to members for details
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for January 9
2020-01-07 06:00:00Z |
andThe Giving and Good Works Done by Our Clubsduring the 2018-2019 Rotary Year Date: Feb. 08, 2020 Location: Harlingen Convention Center 701 Harlingen Heights Dr Harlingen, TX 78550 Event 2: Peace Pole Presentation - 2PM to 3PM - Valley International Airport Cost - $50 per person (Reserved Table Sponsorship for 8 - $500) 6PM to 7PM (Reception & Cash Bar) 7PM to 9PM Dinner Business Attire Hotel Accommodations: Residence Inn & Suites, 109 Bass Pro Dr., Harlingen, TX 78552 - 956-230-1662 - $94 per night Read other associated stories: Never think you need to apologize for asking someone to give to a worthy objective, any more than as though you were giving him an opportunity to participate in high-grade investment. The duty of giving is as much his as the duty of asking yours. Whether or not he should give to that particular enterprise, and if so, how much, it is for him alone to decide. -John D. Rockefeller
Help Us Celebrate The Rotary Foundation
2020-01-07 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. We will take two weeks off for the Holiday Season. We will not meet- December 26 - Hope you had a Merry Christmas
- January 2 - Still celebrating the New Year!
We will restart in the NEW YEAR on January 9. Watch your email and this website for details. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meetings for Dec. 26 and Jan. 2
2019-12-27 06:00:00Z |
The Rockport Rotary Club provided service to our community in several ways this season of thanksgiving and giving. Part One - Our FamiliesWe gathered and donated over 400 pounds food donations. Some was used in their Christmas baskets and some will refill their pantry.
Part Two - Children Under TwelveWe donated funds to Operation Santa Claus. We shopped, wrapped and delivered to several families. We collected toys and donated to the Fulton Fire Department for distribution to Aransas County Kids. Special thanks to Terry and Cathryn Hickman, friends of Rotary, for their generous donation of toys and food. I also discovered they were our unknown elves from last year.
Part Three - Our Four-legged Family MembersWe were able to gather several bundles of supplies for The June Project with Dr. Dana Mercer
Part Four - Our Troops in Iraq & AfghanistanWe gathered food donations and delivered them for sending to the troops
Several generous cash donations were also made. We will split the funds between all four projects and send it their way after the start of the new year. Please consider adding to that pot of money and continue the season of giving. If you would like to assist - please contact the President of Rockport Rotary Club, Nancy Paulson at nancy@rockportrotary.com. You can also donate money to us directly by using our Donate Button in the top right area of our website at www.RockportRotary.com
Service Projects in Review
2019-12-17 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for December 19 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
We will take two weeks off for the Holiday Season. We will not meet - December 26 - Hope you have/had a Merry Christmas
- January 2 - Still celebrating the New Year!
We will restart in the NEW YEAR on January 9. Watch your email and this website for details.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for December 19
2019-12-17 06:00:00Z |
The Rockport Rotary Club will being providing service to our community in several ways this season of thanksgiving and giving. Part One - Our FamiliesWe will gather food donations and cash donations at our meetings and some of places of business. These will be given to Rockport-Fulton's own Good Samaritans Food Bank. Please consider bringing the following items to any of our meetings - November 14, November 21 or December 5. CANNED SWEET POTATOES CANNED FRUIT CANNED CORN CANNED GREEN BEANS BOXED JELLO | BOXED STUFFING MIX GRAVY PACKETS BOXES OF CANDY CANES INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED CANDY |
Chair for more information: Terri Whitman
Part Two - Children Under TwelveWe will donate funds to Operation Santa Claus. We will also select names of children who have been identified as children in need. Club Members will then, shop for clothes for the children. We will wrap the new items during our meeting on November 21. We will make a second bag for each child from the toys donated during our Christmas Party Giving Elves Gift Exchange. Sometime during the last two weeks before Christmas, members will deliver the gifts to the children. Chair for more information: Terri Whitman
Part Three - Our Four-legged Family MembersActually these items will be delivered to dogs and cats who don't have a 'good' forever home and family. We will gather donations and cash donations at our meetings. These will be given to The June Project with Dr. Dana Mercer. (Horizon Veterinary Clinic began a fund to keep the efforts of animal rescue and rehabilitation going to continue to help hurt, sick and homeless animals. The June Project will sponsor a needy pet, treat them and find them a loving home.) Please consider bringing the following items to any of our meetings - November 14, November 21 or December 5. old sheets | old towels | old blankets |
Chair for more information: Myra Kline
Part Four - Our Troops in Iraq & AfghanistanWe will gather food donations and cash donations at our meetings. These will be given to Rockport's Coastal Bend Troop Support. Please consider bringing the following items to any of our meetings - November 14, November 21 or December 5. Beef Jerky, tuna in the pouch Breakfast bars, energy bars Nuts, Sunflower seeds, corn nuts | Peanut butter crackers, cheese crackers Gum, regular and sugar free Drink mixes with electrolytes for 16 oz. bottled water |
Christmas Stocking boxes: Nov. 6th first round of boxes of stockings in these they will have blank Christmas cards for the troops to have to send back to the states. Along with other things such as a few toiletries, snacks and Christmas decorations. Stocking boxes will go out on Nov. 19,20,21,22,25, and 26. Break for Thanksgiving and back on Friday the 29th and possibly Saturday the 30th. Last boxes to go out by the 10th of Dec. We will work for sure on Dec 4,5,6 and maybe the 9th. Chairs for more information: Jeff Coleman and Phyllis Kline
If you would to assist - please contact the President of Rockport Rotary Club, Nancy Paulson at nancy@rockportrotary.com. You can also donate money to us directly by using our Donate Button in the top right area of our website at www.RockportRotary.com
4 Service Projects for the Holiday Season
2019-12-09 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for December 12 - Evening Social at Gary Goldate's Home - 606 Bent Tree Street, Rockport
- Bent Tree St. is in the Country Club off of Augusta. No street sign yet - Between Lake Wood and Waterwood Streets, second street after turning onto Augusta from Champions. Map It.
Thieving Giving Elves Holiday Party - Instead of bringing a gift to exchange - Bring an unwrapped toy for Families in Need and food for Rockport's own Good Samaritan's Food Bank
- Door prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes
- Bring friends, family and co-workers.
- Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Next Week's Program - December 19 - LOCATION & TIME: Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli
- Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for December 12
2019-12-09 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
This Week's Program for December 5- Location: Apple Dumpling Deli, 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Annual Meeting and Transparency Report
- Four Ways of Giving - remember to bring items for this project. Operation Santa Claus, Good Samaritans Food Bank, The June Project, Coastal Bend Troop Support (Families, Children, Pets, Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan)
Board Meeting to follow has been cancelled. Next Week's Program for December 12- Evening Social at Gary Goldate's Home - 606 Bent Tree Street, Rockport
- Bent Tree St. is in the Country Club off of Augusta. No street sign yet - Between Lake Wood and Waterwood Streets, second street after turning onto Augusta from Champions. Map It.
Thieving Giving Elves Holiday Party - Instead of bringing a gift to exchange - Bring an unwrapped toy for Families in Need and food for Rockport's own Good Samaritan's Food Bank
- Door prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes
- Bring friends, family and co-workers.
- Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Club Meeting for December 5
2019-12-01 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
We will take a week off for November 28. Enjoy some family time, beach time, whatever is relaxing and battery re-charging for you. Happy Thanksgiving. Next Week's Program for December 5 - Location: Apple Dumpling Deli, 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Annual Meeting and Transparency Report
- Four Ways of Giving - remember to bring items for this project. Operation Santa Claus, Good Samaritans Food Bank, The June Project, Coastal Bend Troop Support (Families, Children, Pets, Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan)
Club Meeting for November 28
2019-11-18 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
This Week's Program for November 21 - Location: Apple Dumpling Deli, 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Student of the Month Program
- Four Ways of Giving - remember to bring items for this project. Operation Santa Claus, Good Samaritans Food Bank, The June Project, Coastal Bend Troop Support (Families, Children, Pets, Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan)
We will take a week off for November 28. Enjoy some family time, beach time, whatever is relaxing and battery re-charging for you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Club Meeting for November 21
2019-11-18 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for November 14- Mixer - Social - Fireside Chat
- Special Guest speaker - PDG Betty Frantum
- Please bring folks who may want to know more more about Rotary and the programs/activities we accomplish.
- 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Anita Diebel Studio, 111 N. Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382 MAP IT (map is good but old if it still shows Kimmi's Fine Food)
- Bring snacks, treats to share.
- Four Ways of Giving - remember to bring items for this project. Operation Santa Claus, Good Samaritans Food Bank, The June Project, Coastal Bend Troop Support (Families, Children, Pets, Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan)
This Week's Program for November 21 - Location: Apple Dumpling Deli, 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Student of the Month Program
- Four Ways of Giving - remember to bring items for this project. Operation Santa Claus, Good Samaritans Food Bank, The June Project, Coastal Bend Troop Support (Families, Children, Pets, Our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan)
We will take a week off for November 28. Enjoy some family time, beach time, whatever is relaxing and battery re-charging for you. Happy Thanksgiving.
Club Meeting for November 14
2019-11-08 06:00:00Z |
Coming / Returning on December 12 - Evening Social at Gary Goldate's Home - 606 Bent Tree Street, Rockport
- Bent Tree St. is in the Country Club off of Augusta. No street sign yet - Between Lake Wood and Waterwood Streets, second street after turning onto Augusta from Champions. Map It.
Thieving Giving Elves Holiday Party on December 12- Instead of bringing a gift to exchange - Bring an unwrapped toy for Families in Need and food for Rockport's own Good Samaritan's Food Bank
- Door prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes
- Bring friends, family and co-workers.
- Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
- We need the following toys for our families:
Gender | Age | Notes | Girl | 8 | JoJo | Boy | 10 | Fortnite | Boy | 4 | Paw Patrol, Mickey | Boy | 5 | Dinosaurs | Girl | 6 | Unicorns | Boy | 3 | Superheros | Girl | 11 | Likes Blk/Wht Colors | Boy | 5 | Batman, Iron Man | Girl | 8 | Likes Bright colors | Boy | 8 | Spiderman, Batman | Boy | 9 | Spiderman, Batman | Boy | 3 | Paw Patrol |
Giving Elves Holiday Party
2019-11-04 06:00:00Z |
 From JD Simpson, member and a Past District Governor: After a long battle with Alzheimer's, my very loving Dad passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon (10/3/2019) at his home in College Station. He was 91 years old. As you know he was a dedicated Rotarian for many years. I'm going to miss him as will others. JAMES H. “JIM” SIMPSON, JR. January 8, 1928 – November 3, 2019 James Hendley “Jim” Simpson, Jr. was born in Hallettsville, Texas on January 8, 1928 to James Hendley Simpson, Sr. and Alma (Carpenter) Simpson. After completing high school he attended Texas A&M University, where he graduated in 1949 with a B. S. degree in Business. Jim was a proud member of the Fightin’ Texas Aggie Band during his college years. After college he served in the US Army and was stationed at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. There he met the love of his life, Lois. They were married in Springfield, Missouri in 1954 and returned to Hallettsville that same year. Jim joined the First National Bank of Hallettsville, where he ultimately retired as Chairman of the Board in 1983. Jim and Lois moved to College Station in 1984 to become “fulltime Texas Aggies.” They would have celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary on November 6th. Jim was active in a number of civic organizations throughout his life. His primary focus was as a member of Rotary International, where he served as President of the Hallettsville Club in 1960-1961 and as Governor of Rotary District 5870 in 1962-1963. He served for more than 60 years in Rotary, and traveled all over the world participating in Rotary projects, including leading a Group Study Exchange group to Australia in 1993 and traveling to Kenya to help deliver school supplies to local children in 2000. He was the epitome of the Rotary motto “Service Above Self.” Jim is survived by his wife Lois; his children, Scott (and Stephanie George Simpson) of College Station, JD of Rockport, Texas; and Stephanie McDonald of Buena Vista, Colorado; and his grandchildren, Matthew McDonald of Nashville, Tennessee, and Jamie McDonald (and fiancé Troy Johnson) of Kirkland, Washington. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation to Hospice Brazos Valley (hospicebrazosvalley.org), the Texas Aggie Band Association (tabaonline.com) or the Bryan Rotary Club (bryan-rotary.org). Visitation will occur between 5 pm and 7pm Sunday, November 10, at Callaway-Jones Funeral Home, in Bryan, Texas. Funeral service will begin at 11:30am Monday, November 11, also at Callaway-Jones. Interment will immediately follow at the College Station City Cemetery.
A Member needs our Thoughts
2019-11-04 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
This Week's Program for November 7- PDG Debbie High with Rotary Leadership Institute
Next Week's Program for November 14- Mixer - Social - Fireside Chat
- Special Guest speaker - PDG Betty Frantum
- Please bring folks who may want to know more more about Rotary and the programs/activities we accomplish.
- 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Anita Diebel Studio, 111 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382 MAP IT
- Bring snack, treats to share.
Club Meeting for November 7
2019-11-04 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli This Week's Program for October 31- Blanca S. Fradera with 2020 Census information
Next Week's Program for November 7 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for October 31
2019-10-26 05:00:00Z |
Please accept this as notification of a Called meeting of the Rockport Rotary Charles A. Evans Scholarship Foundation to be held immediately after the Regular weekly meeting on Thursday Oct. 31. The purpose of the meeting will be to update members attending, about the current business entity status of our Foundation and to vote on actions we can take to reinstate our business entity and bring us into compliance with existing state regulations. All members in good standing of the Rockport Rotary Club are members of the Foundation organization and are welcome to come take part in the meeting whether or not they attend the weekly meeting or not. Posted on the Rockport Rotary website and included with any emails distributed to members. Date of Meeting: | Thursday, October 31, 2019 | When: | Immediately after the Rockport Rotary Club weekly mtg or 1:00 p.m. on Oct. 31, 2019. | Where: | Meeting Room of Apple Dumpling Rest, where Rotary meets each week. | Who: | All members in good standing of Rockport Rotary Club are invited to attend to vote on these items presented. | What: | Discussion of Status of our Foundation Business Entity in the State of Texas and acceptance of a plan of action pertaining to this matter. |
Adelaide Marlatt President of the Foundation
Meeting of the Club's Foundation Members
2019-10-26 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli This Week's Program - October 24 - Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
- FUNdamentals of the Foundation - Nancy Paulson
- Signups for Rockport Film Festival will be available - check your schedule so you can signup to assist. This is our main Fundraisers for Club Funds.
Next Week's Program for October 31 - Blanca S. Fradera with 2020 Census information
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for October 24
2019-10-13 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Thursdays at Noon at the Apple Dumpling Deli This Week's Program for October 17 - Megan Glidden from AgriLife with their programs and the 4 H programs
- Signups for Rockport Film Festival will be available - check your schedule so you can signup to assist. This is our main Fundraisers for Club Funds.
Next Week's Program - October 24 - Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
- FUNdamentals of the Foundation - Nancy Paulson
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for October 17
2019-10-13 05:00:00Z |
 The ClubRunner Mobile App is your key to connect to our website on the go! Completely, free to download and use, this app will let you access the key info you need while you're on the go. Password protected just like your website, the ClubRunner Mobile app allows you to to view our member directory, contact our members and executives, read the latest articles posted to our website, learn more about our upcoming events and speakers, view our meeting details and track your attendance statistics, right from your smartphone or tablet! To download the app from the Apple App Store or from Google Play, simply type in 'ClubRunner' in the search bar. Our mobile app is compatible with all versions of the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch sets that have iOS 8.0 or later and with versions of Androids that are 4.0.3 or better. Read More and watch a video.
ClubRunner App
2019-10-13 05:00:00Z |
RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards
January 31-February 2, 2020 at Camp Zephyr. Rotarians can personally sponsor HS sophomore or junior students they know that qualify for this leadership training weekend. Cost is $300 per camper inclusive of room and board. Applications must be submitted and paid November 27, 2019.
RYLA - 2020
2019-10-13 05:00:00Z |
February 16 – 22, 2020 Rotarians are improving lives in communities around the world every day through thousands of service projects. Do your members know what you do and why you do it? One Week. One Focus: Rotary Showcase Week share your projects and good work that your Rotary club is doing locally and globally. Just DO IT ! 3 Places - Write your story and use it as your Meeting Program during this week.
- Send your story (video, PowerPoint, word doc, list) to the district website (nancy@rockportwebsites.com)
- Post your story on RI's Rotary Showcase
Need More information?? Click Here
Showcase Week
2019-10-13 05:00:00Z |
Building Effective Leaders
Join us for a set of seminars on how to effectively build leaders in your club. Facilitators will share experiences and knowledge on how to move beyond simply managing to truly leading your club by building effective leaders. These seminars will provide the basics on powerful strategies you can use to boost morale and energize your club. Registrations must be paid in advance and with a credit card. or Cost: $50 for each part (Breakfast & lunch included) Time: 8am (Registration and Continental Breakfast) - 4:00pm Space is limited - sign up early Location: Grace United Methodist Church 14521 Northwest Blvd Corpus Christi TX 78410 Parts 1, 2, and 3 must be taken taken in order. Parts 1, 2, and 3 must be taken before Facilitator. - Leadership Development
- Strategic Planning
- Improving Communication
- Exchange of Ideas
- Team Building
| - Public Relations
- International Perspectives
- Member Engagement
- Service Project Leadership
- Rotary Knowledge
Rotary Leadership Institute - RLI
2019-10-13 05:00:00Z |
Rockport Rotary Club will be hosting a Peace Exchange group from Russia for the day on October 8, 2019. The group is part of a Peace Friendship Exchange under the auspices and guidelines of the Russia-United States lntercountry Committee (ICC). The hosting Rotary districts are South Texas 5930 and District 5020 in Washington State with an assist from the Houston District 5890. (Click the Read more for information on Peace Friendship Exchanges.) They will be spending the day in Rockport and Fulton. We are planning several activities at this time. Initial thoughts include a meal at a local restaurant, visits to the Texas Maritime Museum and Rockport-Fulton Visitor Center, shopping time on Austin Street, and a dinner hosted by the Rockport Rotary Club at the Rockport Beach Park. A signature event that will highlight the primary purpose is the planting of a Peace Pole at the Aransas Pathways Pavilion area. (Click the Read more for information on Peace Poles.) The Rotary District represented by the Russian delegation made donations to the cause of humanitarian needs in response to Hurricane Harvey impact in Rockport and Fulton. We anticipate sharing some of our rebuilding efforts. There will be seven visiting Russians, additional persons (our leaders, translators, and other participants) and local Rotarians. The total group size will vary from 12 to 40 persons. 
Russian Peace Exchange to Visit Rockport
2019-10-07 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program - October 8 - Yes, we had to stay with Tuesday for this one. Russian Peace Exchange - Seven Rotarians from Russia will be spending their day in Rockport. Pick and choose your activity - Lunch at Paradise Key, everyone pays their own lunch (hosting a visitor is optional. RSVP is required by Monday 10/7. Call Terri Whitman at 361-205-7122 if you are attending.
- Touring the Texas Maritime Museum at 1:30 pm. Then shopping downtown and the Visitor Center
- Planting of the Peace Pole provided to us by the District 4:30 pm at the Aransas Pathways Pavilion (north entrance to Walmart and head of the Hike & Bike Trail)
- Texas BBQ Dinner at the Beachfront Pavilion at Rockport Beach Park.
- 5:00-??
- Meat and serving materials will be provided by the club.
- Nancy will be at the facility 1:45- 3:30 if you want to drop off your food.
- Let them know at the gate you're attending the Rotary event and there will be no charge.
Next Week's Program for October 17 - Yep that is a Thursday - Location: Apple Dumpling Deli
- President's Surprise - more info to come
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for October 8
2019-10-07 05:00:00Z |
 Rockport Rotary Club lost a member last week with the death of Glenn Gomez. Glenn hasn't been a member long, but he fit right into the club and was becoming a valuable member. The photo to the right shows him as a guest speaker at our meeting on September 3rd about the 2019 Hummerbird Festival which he chaired. The second photo Glenn being inducted as member of our club with his sponsor Angela Attal. Glenn will be missed. Memorial Service Sunday, October 6, 2019, 2:00 PM La Palma Event Center 2955 TX-35 Rockport, TX 78382
With Sadness in our Hearts
2019-10-01 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday, October 8 is a special day for Rockport Rotary, and you have 4, that’s four, activities to choose from. My hope is that everyone can attend at least one and most of attend the last two of the day. Oct. 8 is the day the Russian Peace Exchange will be visiting and touring Rockport. Judging from our past experiences with GSE teams – everyone will want to do something. - Attend an activity
- Bring a dish to share.
- Consider a donation to help defray the cost or fill in for dinner items – send a check to the club at PO Box 66, Rockport or call Nancy with your credit card at 361-463-8791 or bring cash/check to the meeting on Thursday 10/3.
Activities - Lunch at Paradise Key, everyone pays their own lunch (hosting a visitor is optional. RSVP is required by Monday 10/7.
- Touring the Texas Maritime Museum at 1:30 pm. Then shopping downtown and the Visitor Center
- Planting of the Peace Pole provided to us by the District 4:30 pm at the Aransas Pathways Pavilion (north entrance to Walmart and head of the Hike & Bike Trail)
- Texas BBQ Dinner at the Beachfront Pavilion at Rockport Beach Park. 5:00-??
Russia Peace Exchange - Oct. 8
2019-09-30 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Location: Apple Dumpling Deli114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382 This Week's Program for October 3 - Yep that is a Thursday- Location: Apple Dumpling Deli
- Rockport Film Festival with Elena Rodriguez and Karol Stewart
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Next Week's Program - October 8 - Yes, we had to stay with Tuesday for this one. Russian Peace Exchange - Eight Rotarians from Russia will be spending their day in Rockport. Pick and choose your activity - Lunch at Paradise Key, everyone pays their own lunch (hosting a visitor is optional. RSVP is required by Monday 10/7, 10 am so tables can be arranged. Call Terri Whitman at 361-205-7122 if you are attending.
- Touring the Texas Maritime Museum at 1:30 pm. Then shopping downtown and the Visitor Center
- Planting of the Peace Pole provided to us by the District 4:30 pm at the Aransas Pathways Pavilion (north entrance to Walmart and head of the Hike & Bike Trail)
- Texas BBQ Dinner at the Beachfront Pavilion at Rockport Beach Park. Adelaide is taking names on what you can bring for the potluck. Meat and serving materials will be provided by the club. 5:00-??
Club Meeting for October 3
2019-09-30 05:00:00Z |
 On October 31-November 2, 2019, The Rotary Club of Rockport Texas and Rockport Center for the Arts will host the 13th Annual Rockport Film Festival. The mission of the Rockport Film Festival (RFF) is to bring the best of independent cinema to the Texas Coast while also strengthening the local economy through cultural tourism. We need strong advocates, like you, to support the arts and independent film in Rockport. Will you consider being a sponsor of the 13th Rockport Film Festival? Your generous contribution will help us convert the airport hangar into a theater that seats 250+ people, who will experience both the greatness of film and the charm of Rockport. Thank you for your support.
Rockport Film Festival 2019
2019-09-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week is the last meeting at the library, last noon meeting on Tuesdays, and last meeting to brown bag your lunch. This Week's Program for September 24 - Location: Aransas County Library
- Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
- FUNdamentals of Area of Focus: Education & Literacy
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for October 3 - Yep that is a Thursday - Location: Apple Dumpling Deli
- Rockport Film Festival with Elena Rodriguez and Karol Stewart
Details about Apple Dumpling Deli - 114 N. Magnolia Street, Rockport, TX 78382
- Everyone will order and purchase their own meal as they arrive. Deli staff will deliver it to you.
- Use the secondary dining room, door on the northern end of the building, not the corner door.
- Please park in the rear, sides and across the street. They will have other customers in the regular dining room.
Club Meeting for September 24
2019-09-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for September 17 - Location: Aransas County Library
- Official Visit of DG Ellison Crider
- Lunch will be provided at no cost to members. Provider: Mac's BBQ
- Board Meeting at 10:30 am at the Library.
Next Week's Program for September 24 - Location: Aransas County Library
- Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
- FUNdamentals of Area of Focus: Education & Literacy
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for September 17
2019-09-15 05:00:00Z |
 My name is Jim Hunt, a past District Governor and member of the Rotary Club of Ohio Pathways (D-6600), and we connected back in May to discuss Rotary involvement with the Guatemala Literacy Project (GLP). If you recall, over 600 Rotary clubs already partner with the GLP to offer textbook, computer, teacher training, and youth development programs to over 50,000 impoverished students. And we need more hands on deck! - Feb 1-9, 2020
- Feb 18-23, 2020
- July 12-18, 2020
- July 21-26, 2020
Will you join the fight against poverty in Guatemala?
2019-09-11 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for September 10Meeting / Social is CANCELLED. Pool is closed for repairs. Please share with members who do not check email regularly. Evening Social - 5:00-6:30 ???Location: Pool Area of the Reserve at St Charles Bay Homes, Lamar 102 Reserve Ln, Rockport, TX 78382 Map itCourtesy of PDG Debbie HighSwimming is available. Bring snacks, side dishes, and treats. Sloppy Joes (beef and chicken) will be provided.
Next Week's Program for September 17 - Location: Aransas County Library
- Official Visit of DG Ellison Crider
- Lunch will be provided at no cost to members. Provider: Mac's BBQ
- Board Meeting at 10:30 am at the Library.
Future Meetings September 24 - Location: Aransas County Library
- Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
- Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for September 10
2019-09-08 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for 9/3: Location: Aransas County Library - Hummberbird Celebration with Chamber staff
- Board Meeting to follow the regular meeting
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Yvonne Perez has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for September 10 - Evening Social - 5:00-6:30 ???
- Location: Pool Area of the Reserve at St Charles Bay Homes, Lamar
- 102 Reserve Ln, Rockport, TX 78382 Map it
- Courtesy of PDG Debbie High
- Swimming is available. Bring snacks, side dishes, and treats. Sloppy Joes (beef and chicken) will be provided.
Future Meetings September 17: - Location: Aransas County Library
- Official Visit of DG Ellison Crider
- Lunch will be provided at no cost to members. Provider: TBA
- Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Board Meeting at 10:30 am at the Library.
September 24 - Location: Aransas County Library
- Student of the Month - Adelaide Marlatt
- Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for September 3
2019-09-01 05:00:00Z |
 This annual event is a way for D5930 Rotarians to network with Rotarians & discuss & share ideas. Discover the Rotary connection between membership, public image, and service & how leveraging that connection can make a difference for your club. September 21 • TAMU-Kingsville • 8 am-3:30 pm Hotel Information La Quinta Inn - (361) 592-3000 2151 S Hwy 77, Kingsville, TX 78363 Newer hotel: Block of 10 rooms; $111 (total with tax) under the name Rotary to be paid and reserved by the individuals; must reserve by Aug. 25 to get group rate Check in Friday, Sep. 20; check out Saturday, Sep. 21
District 4N1 Training Seminar
2019-08-26 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for August 27 Accelerating Rural Community Economies Location: Rockport Country Club Guests - $10 - Please register and Pay Now Agenda - 11:30 - Lunch Buffet starts
- 12 noon - Meeting starts promptly
- 12:10-12:40 - Presentation
- 12:40-12:55 - Discussion/Questions/Comments
- 1:00 - Adjourn
Presenters may include: - Dr. Gregory Pogue, Deputy Executive Director of IC2, The University of Texas at Austin
- Dr. John E. Gamble, Dean, College of Business, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
- Russell R. Franques, Director, Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Why are the IC2 Institute and Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center reaching out? - Get to know rural and small cities – directly;
- Understand community challenges;
- Determine regional opportunities;
- Explore common models for economic prosperity; and
- Re-think entrepreneurship to fit rural/small city exigencies.
Next Week's Program September 3 Location: Aransas County Library - Hummberbird Celebration with Chamber staff
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Yvonne Perez has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for August 27
2019-08-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for 8/20: - Club Assembly - Location: Aransas County Library
- Important meeting with votes on Club Constitution, Club Bylaws, Meeting/Lunch options, and fundraising options
- Documents for the vote have been emailed to you.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Darren Sigwald has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for August 27 Accelerating Rural Community Economies Location: Rockport Country Club Guests - $10 - Please register and Pay Now Agenda - 11:30 - Lunch Buffet starts
- 12 noon - Meeting starts promptly
- 12:10-12:40 - Presentation
- 12:40-12:55 - Discussion/Questions/Comments
- 1:00 - Adjourn
Presenters may include: - Dr. Gregory Pogue, Deputy Executive Director of IC2, The University of Texas at Austin
- Dr. John E. Gamble, Dean, College of Business, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
- Russell R. Franques, Director, Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Why are the IC2 Institute and Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center reaching out? - Get to know rural and small cities – directly;
- Understand community challenges;
- Determine regional opportunities;
- Explore common models for economic prosperity; and
- Re-think entrepreneurship to fit rural/small city exigencies.
September 3- Location: Aransas County Library Hummberbird Celebration with Chamber staff
Club Meeting for August 20
2019-08-18 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This Week's Program for 8/13:- Evening Social - 5:00-6:30
- Location: Symphonic Financial Advisors, Angie Ruddock's office, 1002 Main St, Rockport Texas
Next Week's Program for 8/20: - Club Assembly - Location: Aransas County Library
- Important meeting with votes on Club Constitution, Club Bylaws, Scholarship Foundation Bylaws, Meeting/Lunch options, and fundraising options
- Documents for the vote have been emailed to you.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Darren Sigwald has signed up to bring Dessert. August 27 -Accelerating Rural Community Economies - Location: Rockport Country Club Guests - $10 - Please register and Pay Now Agenda - 11:30 - Lunch Buffet starts
- 12 noon - Meeting starts promptly
- 12:10-12:40 - Presentation
- 12:40-12:55 - Discussion/Questions/Comments
- 1:00 - Adjourn
Presenters may include: - Dr. Gregory Pogue, Deputy Executive Director of IC2, The University of Texas at Austin
- Dr. John E. Gamble, Dean, College of Business, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
- Russell R. Franques, Director, Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Why are the IC2 Institute and Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center reaching out? - Get to know rural and small cities – directly;
- Understand community challenges;
- Determine regional opportunities;
- Explore common models for economic prosperity; and
- Re-think entrepreneurship to fit rural/small city exigencies.
September 3- Location: Aransas County Library
Club Meeting for August 13
2019-08-11 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This Week's Program for 8/6: Changed - Some Fun with a serious topic - Rotary and the Fight Against Polio
- Location: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport.
- Followed by a Board meeting , same location
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Myra Kline has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 8/13: - Evening Social - 5:00-6:30
- Location: Symphonic Financial Advisors, Angie Ruddock's office, 1002 Main St, Rockport Texas
Future Meetings August 20 - Club Assembly - Location: Aransas County Library - Important meeting with votes on Club Constitution, Club Bylaws, Scholarship Foundation Bylaws, Meeting/Lunch options, and fundraising options
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Darren Sigwald has signed up to bring Dessert. Guests - $10 - Please register and Pay Now Agenda - 11:30 - Lunch Buffet starts
- 12 noon - Meeting starts promptly
- 12:10-12:40 - Presentation
- 12:40-12:55 - Discussion/Questions/Comments
- 1:00 - Adjourn
Presenters may include: - Dr. Gregory Pogue, Deputy Executive Director of IC2, The University of Texas at Austin
- Dr. John E. Gamble, Dean, College of Business, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
- Russell R. Franques, Director, Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
Why are the IC2 Institute and Coastal Bend Business Innovation Center reaching out? - Get to know rural and small cities – directly;
- Understand community challenges;
- Determine regional opportunities;
- Explore common models for economic prosperity; and
- Re-think entrepreneurship to fit rural/small city exigencies.
September 3- Location: Aransas County Library
Club Meeting for August 6
2019-08-04 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This Week's Program for 7/30: - Goose Island State Park
- Location: Goose Island State Park, 202 S Palmetto St, Rockport, TX 78382 Map it!
- Identify yourself as a Rotarian when you enter and there will be no charge.
- Induction of a new member - Xilu Ma
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 8/6: - Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce
- Location: Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce, 319 Broadway St , Rockport, TX 78382 Map it!
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Myra Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for July 30
2019-07-28 05:00:00Z |
 Dear Friend of Camp Aranzazu, In two weeks, our summer session will be over, and we will have served more than 900 children and young adults with special needs and chronic illnesses. Not surprisingly, it will then be time to tidy up! And with 104 acres and 32 different buildings and structures, we could use some help. “Camp Care Days” will take place on Saturday, August 24th and Saturday, September 21stfrom 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Volunteers will help with light-duty maintenance and landscaping projects. We will supply lunch. I would be very grateful if you would share this email your co-workers, friends and family. I also have attached flyer that you can post. Please let me know if you prefer that we communicate with someone else in your office. If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please email Bianca Hernandez at bhernandez@camparanzazu.org. Thank you for your support of Camp Aranzazu and the children and adults with special needs and chronic illnesses whom we serve. Sincerely, Virginia Virginia C. Ballard President Camp Location: 5420 Loop 1781, Rockport, TX 78382 / 361-727-0800
Camp Aranzazu “Camp Care Days”
2019-07-26 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This Week's Program for 7/23: - Rockport Parks and Recreation
- Location: Rockport Parks and Recreation Office, 402 E. Laurel, Rockport, TX 78382 Map it!
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 7/30: - Goose Island State Park
- Location: Goose Island State Park, 202 S Palmetto St, Rockport, TX 78382 Map it!
- Identify yourself as a Rotarian when you enter and there will be no charge.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for July 23
2019-07-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This Week's Program for 7/16: - The Bead Studio
- Location: The Bead Studio, 812 Henderson St, Rockport, TX 78382 Map it!
- Behind Live Oak Plaza (where Subway, Spears & Co are)
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Calvin Scholz has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 7/23: - Rockport Parks and Recreation
- Location: Rockport Parks and Recreation Office, 402 E. Laurel, Rockport, TX 78382 Map it!
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for July 16
2019-07-15 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This week's Program 7/9: - Evening Mixer - Social Note the time change 6-8 pm
- Location: Gulf Point Village, 900 Enterprise, Rockport, TX 78382
No need to bring anything but yourself and a friend - Gulf Point Village will be supplying everything. A full dinner will be provided by Gulf Point Village. Next Week's Program for 7/16: - The Bead Studio
- Location: The Bead Studio, 812 Henderson St, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Calvin Scholz has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for July 9
2019-07-07 05:00:00Z |
The Aransas County Library has Summertime Programs for Students during June, July and the first two weeks of August. We are unable to meeting at our normal location - the Library Meeting Room. So .... Here is the schedule for July and AugustThis is also posted under the speaker section on the website and in your weekly bulletin. The speakers will be the business owner or official in charge. Members and Guests are welcome at all locations. Bring your brown bag lunch. Meeting dates | | Speaker/Topic/Location | Tuesday, July 2 | Noon Club Meeting | History Center, 801 E Cedar St, Rockport, TX 78382 | Tuesday, July 9 | Mixer 6 pm - 8 pm | Location - Gulf Point Village, 900 Enterprise, Rockport, TX 78382 Full dinner will be provided. | Tuesday, July 16 | Noon Club Meeting | The Bead Studio, 812 Henderson St, Rockport, TX 78382 | Tuesday, July 23 | Noon Club Meeting | Rockport Parks & Recreation office, 402 E Laurel St, Rockport TX 78382 | Tuesday, July 30 | Noon Club Meeting | Goose Island State Park, 202 S Palmetto St, Rockport, TX 78382 | Tuesday, August 6 | Noon Club Meeting | Chamber of Commerce, 319 Broadway St, Rockport, TX 78382 | Tuesday, August 13 | Mixer 5 pm - 6:30 pm | Symphonic Financial Advisors, Angie Ruddock's office, 1002 Main St, Rockport Texas | Tuesday, August 20 | Noon Club Meeting | Club Assembly at the Library - several important votes to be taken by club membership, more info to come | Tuesday, August 27 | Noon Club Meeting | TBA - Watch for special event in the works |
Meetings for July and August
2019-07-01 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Next Week's Program for 7/2: - The History Center
- Location: History Center, 801 E Cedar St, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 7/9: - Evening Mixer - Social Note the time change 6-8 pm
- Location: Gulf Point Village, 900 Enterprise, Rockport, TX 78382
No need to bring anything but yourself and a friend - Gulf Point Village will be supplying everything. A full dinner will be provided by Gulf Point Village.
Club Meeting for July 2
2019-06-28 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This week's Program 6/25: - Program - Glenn Gomez with Rockport Summerfest
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. ???? has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 7/2: - The History Center
- Location: History Center, 801 E Cedar St, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for June 25
2019-06-23 05:00:00Z |
 By making our good works known to the public, we acknowledge and demonstrate that Rotarians are People in Action. It defines who and what Rotary is in our community while inviting and inspiring others to join our efforts. Further, awards recognition is a collective celebration, a " Rotary thank you," to all those that made these good works possible. Considering your President's background in teaching and evaluation, here are the criteria that will be tracked and used to make the selection of the Rotarian of the Year for 2019-2020. Tracking starts on July 1, 2019 and finishes 2 weeks prior to the installation date for RY 2020-2021, when the award will be presented. Criteria for selection - Must be current with dues and in good standing with the club
- Attendance at our meetings, socials/mixers included, (this is not 100% attendance), Service events, District events, fundraiser worker
- Foundation giving (not how much but did or didn’t give something)
- Wearing of Rotary Pin, Rotary shirt, or something with the logo; badges don't count
- New members/guest points - get a point for each guest you bring and one for each new member you sponsor (same rules as the Win a Paul Harris Recognition)
- Bonus points: Attend another organization’s meetings Promoting Rotary (picture documentation)
In the event of a tie, 1st consideration #2 above, then 2nd consideration #5 above * Current President is excluded from consideration, expectation of office.
Returning Tradition - Rotarian of the Year
2019-06-16 05:00:00Z |
 One of the goals for Membership in Rotary Year 2019-2020 is to increase our membership. This is one program that is being instituted to get all members thinking about who would be a good addition to our membership. As you think on the folks you know who could join us as a member please keep in mind the following changes that have been made. (use the Read More link to see the changes.) Back to How to Win a Paul Harris RecognitionOne Paul Harris Recognition will be awarded using club points. Winner will be drawn at the installation of new club officers 2020-2021, expected June 2020. One ticket will be awarded for each first-time guest to our meetings. (Guest must be eligible for Rotary membership and not an existing Rotary member, or immediate family member of a club member). Regular meetings, Mixers and Socials and any special meeting we may have all count for bring a guest. Bring two guests - get two chances. Who does not count: - Guest speakers
- Student of the month or any family members
- Children (under 18)
- Rotarians
For each guest who Joins Our Club as member and are still a member at the time of the drawing, an additional ticket will be awarded to the sponsor. Tickets will be issued prior to drawing at the installation of officers meeting. Program starts with the July 2 meeting.
Win a Paul Harris Recognition
2019-06-16 05:00:00Z |
President-Elect training includes the concept and action plan of setting goals and then defining ways to achieve them. Rotary International encourages (actually requires) us to post goals/benchmarks for the club on an annual basis. The following goals and action items are ones that I, your President, have set forth to start the year. I am sharing them with you in hopes of opening a dialog concerning how you feel about them and the direction of the club. Let's talk.
Goals for Rotary Year 2019-2020
2019-06-16 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This Week's Program for 6/18: - Dr. Dana Mercer and the June Project
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Hannah Miller has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 6/25: - Program - President Steve's Surprise
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. ????? has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for June 18
2019-06-16 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week's Program 6/11: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-7:oo pm
- Location: Nancy Paulson's Home - 3207 Henderson St, Rockport Map it
- Installation of Officers for 2019-2020
- Dinner and Rotary fellowship will be provided. Just bring yourself.
Officers to be installed: - President - Nancy Paulson
- Vice President - Angela Attal
- Secretary - Cynthia Middleton
- Treasurer - Gary Goldate
- Immediate Past President - Steve Clarkson
- President Elect - Jeff Coleman
- Director - Adelaide Marlatt
- Director - Hannah Miller
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Next Week's Program for 6/18: - Dr. Dana Mercer and the June Project
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Hannah Miller has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for June 11
2019-06-09 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon This Week's Program for 6/4: - Castaways
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Evelyn Guidry has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 6/11: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-7:oo pm
- Location: Nancy Paulson's Home - 3207 Henderson St, Rockport Map it
- Installation of Officers for 2019-2020
- Dinner and Rotary fellowship will be provided. Just bring yourself.
Officers to be installed: - President - Nancy Paulson
- Vice President - Angela Attal
- Secretary - Cynthia Middleton
- Treasurer - Gary Goldate
- Immediate Past President - Steve Clarkson
- President Elect - Jeff Coleman
- Director - Adelaide Marlatt
- Director - Hannah Miller
Club Meeting for June 4
2019-06-02 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 5/28: - John Strothman - Long Range Planning and Projects
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. JD Debler has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 6/4: - Castaways
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Evelyn Guidry has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for May 28
2019-05-26 05:00:00Z |
- The Aransas County Library has Summertime Programs for Students during June, July and the first two weeks of August. We are unable to meeting at our normal location - the Library Meeting Room.
- President Steve has arranged for us to meet at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382 for June 4, 18, and 25.
- President-Elect Nancy is still working on meeting places for July and the first 2 weeks of August. Stay tuned and watch the website and email bulletins.
Meeting Locations for June-July-August
2019-05-20 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 5/21: - Student of The Month Program - Students will be presented for both April and May.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 5/28: It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. JD Debler has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for May 21
2019-05-20 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 5/14: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Gary Goldate's Home - 606 Bent Tree Street, Rockport
Bent Tree St. is in the Country Club off of Augusta. No street sign yet - Between Lake Wood and Waterwood Streets, second street after turning onto Augusta from Champions. Map It. - Brings snacks, desserts, whatever to share
Next Week's Program for 5/21: - Student of The Month Program - Students will be presented for both April and May.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for May 14
2019-05-12 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 5/7: - Speaker - Diane Probst - a program from the Chamber of Commerce
- Induction of New Member - Glenn Gomez sponsored by Angela Attal
- Everyone might want to check the Birthdays and Anniversaries List for 5/7's special - He's done it again!
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 5/14: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Gary Goldate's Home - 606 Bent Tree Street, Rockport
Bent Tree St. is in the Country Club off of Augusta. No street sign yet - Between Lake Wood and Waterwood Streets, second street after turning onto Augusta from Champions. Map It. - Brings snacks, desserts, whatever to share
Club Meeting for May 7
2019-05-06 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 4/30: - Surprise from your President
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angie Ruddock has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 5/7: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: To Be Announced
Board Meeting - May 1, 5:30 pm, Steve's house
Club Meeting for April 30
2019-04-29 05:00:00Z |
Printable Flyer Training designed for Leadership, new members, seasoned members, ALL MEMBERS and interested Community members and partners.
District Assembly for RY 2019-2020
2019-04-29 05:00:00Z |
We thanks all who joined us at the 18th Annual “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton. We also thank all the restaurants and caterers who provided the food.
“Taste” of Rockport-Fulton
2019-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 4/16: - Surprise from your President
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angie Ruddock has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 4/23: - Jessica Paterson, Texas Historical Commission/Fulton Mansion
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Darren Sigwald has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for April 16
2019-04-15 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 4/9: Evening Social - 5:00-6:30 pm Hopefully folks will stay until work is done
- Location: Nancy's House, 3207 Henderson St
- Bring snack, treats to share. Drinks provided.
Next Week's Program for 4/16: It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angie Ruddock has signed up to bring Dessert. 4 days to the Taste of Rockport-Fulton !!! Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport-Fulton What we need now - Tickets sales for Taste
- Please bring any auction items to the social evening.
- Please bring any unsold tickets to the social evening.
Club Meeting for April 9
2019-04-08 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This Week's Program for 4/2:- Dana Kisel with Leadership Class telling all about "For the Love of the Outdoors" event
- Sign-up sheets for working the Taste of Rockport-Fulton
Board Meeting following the meeting at 2:00 pm It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Melvin Dreiss has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 4/9: Evening Social- 5:00-6:30 pm Hopefully folks will stay until work is done
- Location: Nancy's House
- Bring snack, treats to share. Drinks provided.
11 days to the Taste of Rockport-Fulton !!! Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport-Fulton What we need now - Tickets sales for Taste - Pick up your tickets to sell at the meeting
- Sponsor Tables - pick up the forms at the meeting
Club Meeting for April 2
2019-04-01 05:00:00Z |
We are proud to invite you to join us at the 18th Annual “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton 2019 TASTE of Rockport-Fulton – Schedule of Events Friday, April 12, 2019 “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton- Cost - $45 per person
- Event opens at 5:45 pm
- Open bar service starts at 5:45 pm
- Tickets sales for auction, Mystery Box 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm
- Food service from the 12-15 local restaurants and caterers from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
- Live auction from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Silent auction and Mystery Box announcements from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm
NEW Location: La Palma Event Center, 2955 Hwy 35, Rockport, TX 78382
18th Taste of Rockport-Fulton
2019-03-25 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 3/26:- Our Student with his 4 Way Test Speech
- Student of the Month - Allison Michael
- New Member Induction - Hannah Miller and Rick Braden with PDG Debbie High and AG Terri Whitman
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Steve Clarkson has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 4/2:It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Melvin Dreiss has signed up to bring Dessert. 18 days to the Taste of Rockport-Fulton !!! Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport-Fulton What we need now - Tickets sales for Taste - Pick up your tickets to sell at the meeting
- Sponsor Tables - pick up the forms at the meeting
- Auction items
Upcoming Meetings: Check the Calendar of Events for full details. - March 27 - Taste Planning Meeting
- April 3 - Board Meeting
Club Meeting for March 26
2019-03-25 05:00:00Z |
Today the “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton tradition continues along with the added “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament, but not without your support. This is your opportunity to attend this historic event. We are proud to invite you to join us at the 18th Annual “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton and Inaugural “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament. Few tournaments can boast of exceptional fishing waters combined with first-class food, hospitality and comradery that the Rockport and Fulton community and the Rockport Rotary Club is offering. Our anglers are Rotarians from Brownsville to Laredo, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, Houston, and in between. We will also be promoting this event to the Rotary International’s Fishing Fellowship. Hook Into Service Fishing participants must be Rotarians, Rotaractors, or sponsors. Taste Rockport-Fulton is open to all.
2019 TASTE / Fishing Tournament – Schedule of Events Friday, April 12, 2019“Taste” of Rockport-Fulton - Cost - $45 per person
- Event opens at 5:45 pm
- Open bar service starts at 5:45 pm
- Tickets sales for auction, Mystery Box 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm
- Food service from the 12-15 local restaurants and caterers from 6:00 to 7:30 pm
- Live auction from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Silent auction and Mystery Box announcements from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Fishing Tournament Check-in at the Taste of Rockport - 4:30 pm - 6:16 pm Location: Aransas County Airport Community Hangar, 421 John D Wendell Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 | Saturday, April 13“Hook into Service” Fishing Tournament - Cost - $135 per angler
- Check-in at the Taste of Rockport - 4/12 - 4:30 pm - 6:16 pm
- Information booth from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
- Weigh-in from 12:00 to 4:00 pm
- Snacks and drinks (cash bar) from 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- Awards Ceremony from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Location: Aransas County Airport Community Hangar, 421 John D Wendell Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 |
18th Taste & Fishing Tournament
2019-03-17 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 3/19- Ideas from PETS - Please remember to bring back the 3 things you like about the club and 3 three things you would like to improve.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 3/26:- Our Student with his 4 Way Test Speech
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Steve Clarkson has signed up to bring Dessert. 26 days to the Taste of Rockport-Fulton !!! Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport and Hook Into Service Fishing Tournament What we need now - Tickets sales for Taste - Pick up your tickets sell at the meeting
- Sponsor Tables - pick up the forms at the meeting
- Auction items
Club Meeting for March 19
2019-03-17 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 3/13: Note the change of Day to Wednesday- Evening Social Meeting - 5-6:30 pm
- Location: Rockport Country Club - 101 Champions Dr, Rockport, TX 78382
- Gary and Steve pay for the first round of appetizers. Members do not need to bring anything to share, except family, friends, and co-workers. Cash Bar.
32 days to the Taste of Rockport-Fulton !!! Next Week's Program for 3/19:- Ideas from PETS - Please remember to bring back the # things you like about the club and 3 three things you would like to improve.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert. Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport and Hook Into Service Fishing Tournament What we need now - Tickets sales for Taste
- Auction items
- Anglers for Tournament
Club Meeting for March 12 - really the 13th
2019-03-11 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing.
Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This Week's Program for 3/5:- Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport and Hook Into Service Fishing Tournament
- 39 days to the event !!!
What we need now - Tickets sales
- Auction items
- Anglers for Tournament
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Terri Whitman has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 3/13: Note the change of Day to Wednesday - Evening Social Meeting - 5-6:30 pm
- Location: Rockport Country Club - 101 Champions Dr, Rockport, TX 78382
- Gary and Steve pay for the first round of appetizers. Members do not need to bring anything to share, except family, friends, and co-workers. Cash Bar.
Club Meeting for March 5
2019-03-04 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing.
Due to limited options available to us since Hurricane Harvey and after several discussions with the membership, the Board has taken action and moved our club meetings to Tuesdays at Noon. We will be able to use the Aransas County Library for the majority of our meetings. Please change your calendars and see on Tuesdays. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at NoonMeeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 2/19: - Candice Derrick with Access Counseling
- New member Induction - Evelyn Guidry
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Yvonne Perez has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 3/5:- Recap of activities for Taste of Rockport and Hook Into Service Fishing Tournament
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Terri Whitman has signed up to bring Dessert. Additional note: Due to several other community events - The Taste and Fishing Tournament meeting for this week - Wednesday 2/27 - has been cancelled.
New Meeting Day for the Club & Feb 26 Meeting
2019-02-25 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing.
Due to limited options available to us since Hurricane Harvey and after several discussions with the membership, the Board has taken action and moved our club meetings to Tuesdays at Noon. We will be able to use the Aransas County Library for the majority of our meetings. Please change your calendars and see on Tuesdays. Meeting Day and Time: Tuesdays at NoonMeeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 2/19: - Jean Chiuminatta with the Master Gardener Program
- Student of The Month - student - Susan Carrillo
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Next Week's Program for 2/26:- Candace Derrick with Access Counseling
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Yvonne Perez has signed up to bring Dessert.
New Meeting Day for the Club & Feb 19 Meeting
2019-02-13 06:00:00Z |
 We are proud to invite you to join us at the Inaugural “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament and the 18th Annual “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton. Few tournaments can boast of exceptional fishing waters combined with first-class food, hospitality and comradery that the Rockport and Fulton community and the Rockport Rotary Club is offering. Today the “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton tradition continues along with the added “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament, but not without your support. This is your opportunity to attend this historic event, but with Coastal Bend Bays fishing as a whole. Our anglers are Rotarians from Brownsville to Laredo, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, Houston, and in between. We will also be promoting this event to the Rotary International’s Fishing Fellowship. Hook Into Service Fishing participants must be Rotarians, Rotaractors, or sponsors. Taste Rockport-Fulton is open to all. 2019 HIST / TASTE – Schedule of EventsFriday, April 12, 2019“Taste” of Rockport-Fulton “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament check-in - Event opens at 5:45 pm
- Tickets sales for auction, Mystery Box and drinks 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm
- Food service from the 12-15 local restaurants and caterers from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
- Live auction from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Silent auction and Mystery Box announcements from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Aransas County Airport Community Hangar, 421 John D Wendell Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 | Saturday, April 13, 2019“Hook into Service” Fishing Tournament - Information booth from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
- Weigh-in from 12:00 to 4:00 pm
- Snacks and drinks (cash bar) from 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- Awards Ceremony from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Aransas County Airport Community Hangar, 421 John D Wendell Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 |  |  |
Fishing Tournament Registration is now Open
2019-02-06 06:00:00Z |
Today the “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton tradition continues along with the added “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament, but not without your support. This is your opportunity to attend this historic event. We are proud to invite you to join us at the 18th Annual “Taste” of Rockport-Fulton and Inaugural “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament. Few tournaments can boast of exceptional fishing waters combined with first-class food, hospitality and comradery that the Rockport and Fulton community and the Rockport Rotary Club is offering. Our anglers are Rotarians from Brownsville to Laredo, Corpus Christi, San Antonio, Austin, Houston, and in between. We will also be promoting this event to the Rotary International’s Fishing Fellowship. Hook Into Service Fishing participants must be Rotarians, Rotaractors, or sponsors. Taste Rockport-Fulton is open to all. 2019 TASTE / Fishing Tournament – Schedule of Events
Friday, April 12, 2019“Taste” of Rockport-Fulton “Hook Into Service” Fishing Tournament check-in - Event opens at 5:45 pm
- Tickets sales for auction, Mystery Box and drinks 5:45 pm to 8:30 pm
- Food service from the 12-15 local restaurants and caterers from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm
- Live auction from 7:30 pm to 8:00 pm
- Silent auction and Mystery Box announcements from 8:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Location: Aransas County Airport Community Hangar, 421 John D Wendell Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 | Saturday, April 13, 2019“Hook into Service” Fishing Tournament - Information booth from 9:00 am to 6:30 pm
- Weigh-in from 12:00 to 4:00 pm
- Snacks and drinks (cash bar) from 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- Awards Ceremony from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
Location: Aransas County Airport Community Hangar, 421 John D Wendell Rd, Rockport, TX 78382 |
18th Annual Taste of Rockport-Fulton Registration is open
2019-02-06 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week's Program 2/7: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Nancy Paulson has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Guest Speaker - Fulton Mayor Jimmy Kendrick - Fulton Oysterfest
Next week's Program 2/14: - Our Evening Social has been canceled. Spend the evening with your loved ones.
Club Meeting for February 7
2019-02-01 06:00:00Z |
The board for the Rockport Rotary Club Charles A. Evans Scholarship Foundation recently met and elected their officers. Congratulations all and thank you for serving. Adelaide Marlatt – President Gary Goldate – Treasurer Jeanie Whitliff – Secretary Steve Clarkson – Club President Phyllis Kline
Scholarship Board Officers
2019-02-01 06:00:00Z |
Evening Social - Meeting has been cancelled. Feb 14, 2019 5:00 PM We will be dark this week. Spend time with your loved ones.
Evening Social on February 14
2019-01-29 06:00:00Z |
Our location for the noon meeting is no longer available for the Thursday noon meetings. The Board is developing a list of alternate locations. Voting will take place by paper ballot (phone call/email if you are not able to attend) on January 31. Please try your best to attend for any discussion that may be held.
Voting for our Location on January 31
2019-01-29 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week's Program 1/31: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Topic: Discussion and vote on new meeting place, time, day of week.
Next week's Program 2/7: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: TBD - Watch for your bulletin email
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Nancy Paulson has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Guest Speaker - Fulton Mayor Jimmy Kendrick - Fulton Oysterfest
Club Meeting for January 31
2019-01-29 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week's Program 1/24: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Steve Clarkson has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Induction of New Members with Debbie High, PDG
- Student of the Month Program with Adelaide Marlatt SOTM: Abigail Spears
- Guest Speaker - D'Ann Williams - Keep Aransas County Beautiful
- Voting for new meeting location
Next week's Program 1/31: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: TBD - Watch for your bulletin email
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Guest Speaker - Jessica Paterson - Texas Historical Commission/Fulton Mansion
Club Meeting for January 24
2019-01-23 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week's Program 1/17: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Jerry Channell has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Guest Speaker - Ginger Easton Smith - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Next week's Program 1/24: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. No one has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Induction of New Members with Debbie High, PDG
- Student of the Month Program with Adelaide Marlatt
- Guest Speaker - D'Ann Williams - Keep Aransas County Beautiful
- Voting for new meeting location
Club Meeting for January 17
2019-01-15 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. This week's Program 1/10: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- Club will pay for the first round of appetizers. Members do not need to bring anything to share, except family, friends, and co-workers.
Next week's Program 1/17: - Noon Meeting - noon - 1:00
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Jerry Channell has signed up to bring Dessert.
- Guest Speaker - Ginger Easton Smith - Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
Club Meeting for January 10
2019-01-09 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 12/20: - Student of the Month Program with Adelaide Marlatt
- Our SOTM is Zach Canoot.
- Rockport Mayor Pat Rios will also give us an update of the City of Rockport.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert. Then we will go dark with no meeting for two weeks - 12/27/2018 and 1/3/2019. Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Our first meeting of 2019 will be an evening social. More details to come. Please watch your email and the website.
Club Meeting for December 20, 2018
2018-12-18 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon
Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
This Week's Program for 12/13:- Evening Social at Gary Goldate's Home - 606 Bent Tree Street, Rockport
- Bent Tree St. is in the Country Club off of Augusta. No street sign yet - Between Lake Wood and Waterwood Streets, second street after turning onto Augusta from Champions. Map It.
Thieving Giving Elves Holiday Party - Instead of bringing a gift to exchange - Bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots and food for Good Samaritan's Food Bank
- Door prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes
- Bring friends, family and co-workers.
- Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Next week's Program 12/20: - Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt
- Mayor Pat Rios with the City of Rockport report
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Phyllis Kline has signed up to bring Dessert. Then we will go dark with no meeting for two weeks - 12/27/2018 and 1/3/2019. Happy Holidays - Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Our first meeting of 2019 will be an evening social. More details to come. Please watch your email and the website.
Club Meeting for December 13, 2019
2018-12-11 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 12/6: - Cynthia Guthrie with Aim Hospice
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Beverly Trifonidis has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 12/13:- Evening Social at Gary Goldate's Home
Thieving Giving Elves Holiday Party - Instead of bringing a gift to exchange - Bring an unwrapped toy for Toys for Tots and food for Good Samaritan's Food Bank
- Door prizes will be awarded every 15 minutes
- Bring friends, family and co-workers.
- Bring an appetizer or dessert to share.
Club Meeting for December 6, 2019
2018-12-04 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 11/29: - Dr. Elizabeth Smith with the International Crane Foundation
- DG Andy Hagan will visit and award some Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions
- News on the Thieving Elves Christmas Party
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert. Next Week's Program for 12/6:- Cynthia Guthrie with Aim Hospice
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Beverly Trifonidis has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for November 29, 2018
2018-11-27 06:00:00Z |
This week's Program 11/22: - No Meeting - Thanksgiving - Enjoy and Give Thanks with Family and Friends.
 Thanksgiving is a time to gather around loved ones …to be grateful for all that we have been so abundantly blessed with and also to spare a thought for those not so lucky. It is a season of bountifulness and a reason to share the same ….true Thanksgiving is in actually doing that – Giving !!!
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. Next week's Program for 11/29:- Dr. Elizabeth Smith with the International Crane Foundation
- DG Andy Hagan will visit and award some Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for November 22
2018-11-19 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program 11/15: - Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt
- All About Cruises with Claire Record
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Calvin Scholz has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 11/22: - No Meeting - Thanksgiving - Enjoy and Give Thanks with Family and Friends.
Then Program for 11/29: - Dr. Elizabeth Smith with the International Crane Foundation
- DG Andy Hagan will visit and award some Paul Harris Fellow Recognitions
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Cynthia Middleton has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for November 15
2018-11-13 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
This week's Program 11/8: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- Club will pay for the first round of appetizers. Members do not need to bring anything to share, except family, friends, and co-workers.
Next week's Program 11/15: - Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt
- All About Cruises with Claire Record
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Calvin Scholz has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for November 8
2018-11-06 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Amelia Haslam from Camp Aranzazu
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Jerry Channell has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 11/8: - Evening Social Meeting - 5:00-6:30 pm
- Location: Latitude 28 02 Art Gallery and Restaurant, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX
- Club will pay for the first round of appetizers. Members do not need to bring anything to share, except family, friends, and co-workers.
Club Meeting for November 1
2018-10-29 05:00:00Z |
 Due to several reasons (Harvey Damage, leaking un-repaired roof and general yucky-ness) the club has moved to a new storage facility. While moving the materials in the storage unit, several gems have been uncovered from the material stored there. I will be presenting them for your enjoyment over a period of time. This picture from the Rockport Pilot dated Saturday, January 22, 1994 was too good to pass up. Thanks Ruth for representing us well and continuing to be an active member. A change from the discoveries - I found old club bulletins. They were named "The Beacon" and had a logo of a lighthouse. I cleaned up the logo and our newsletter/bulletin has a new name and masthead. This will be the new masthead.
Oh My! What was found!!
2018-10-28 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
Change of Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382 We are in the Parish hall - left of the sanctuary. This week's Program: - Speaker Elena Rodriguez with an update on the Rockport Film Festival
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church's Parish Hall, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Myra Kline has signed up to bring Dessert. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Next week's Program 11/1: - Virginia Ballard with Camp Aranzazu
- Location: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Jerry Channell has signed up to bring Dessert. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for October 25
2018-10-24 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt
- An update on the Sheriff's office with Chief Bill Mills
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Adelaide Marlatt has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program 10/25: - Noon time Meeting - speaker Elena Rodriguez with an update on the Rockport Film Festival
- Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church's Parish Hall, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382
- It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Myra Kline has signed up to bring Dessert.
Club Meeting for October 18
2018-10-17 05:00:00Z |
 Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon
Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
This week's Program:- Evening Social Meeting - special guest District Governor Andy Hagan
- Location: Texas Maritime Museum Time: 5:00-6:30 pm
- Dinner will be catered. No cost to members and guests.
- Please RSVP through the invite email so we have a food count. Or you can call President Steve at (830) 857-5746.
- Please bring desserts and appetizers.
- Let's have an attendance breaking meeting with DG Andy. Members please bring guests, family and friends.
- Board Meeting with DG Andy will be at noon on Thursday, Oct. 11 at Latitude 28 02 Restaurant.
Club Meeting for October 11
2018-10-03 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Robert Mitchell, Bay Blazer, sharing information about SeaFair - October 11-14
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angela Attal has signed up to bring Dessert. Next week's Program: - Evening Social Meeting - special guest District Governor Andy Hagan
- Location: Texas Maritime Museum Time: 5:00-6:30 pm
- Dinner will be catered. Please bring desserts and appetizers.
- Let's have an attendance breaking meeting with DG Andy. Members please bring guests, family and friends.
- Board Meeting with DG Andy will be at noon on Thursday, Oct. 11 at Latitude 28 02 Restaurant.
Club Meeting for October 4
2018-10-03 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Debbie Thompson from Aransas County Council on Aging/Senior Services Center
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angie Ruddock has signed up to bring Dessert. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for September 27
2018-09-26 05:00:00Z |
Support an Upcoming Speaker
2018-09-19 05:00:00Z |
The mission of the Rockport Film Festival has always been to bring the best of independent cinema to the Texas Coast. This year, the Festival will take place November 1-4, at the Aransas County Airport. We are excited for our 12th year, and we need strong supporters, like you, to make it happen. While Rockport is still reeling from the impact of Harvey, the Film Festival aims to strengthen the economy by attracting cultural tourists to town. The Festival consistently has 30-35% of its attendees come from over 70 miles away, and the year after Harvey was no different. In 2018, we aim to increase that number by expanding the festival by one day and three feature films. Will you consider being a sponsor of the 12th Rockport Film Festival? Your generous contribution will help us turn the airport hangar into a theater that can seat 250+ people, who will experience both the greatness of film and the charm of Rockport. You will be recognized as a sponsor at the theater, in digital advertising and social media, and in the Festival program.
Rockport Film Festival
2018-09-10 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
Change of Location: St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 555 Enterprise Blvd, Rockport, TX 78382 Enter far left door to the Parish hall. This week's Program: - Student of the Month Program - Sophia Vaughn with Adelaide Marlatt
- Fulton Mayor Jimmy Kendrick to accept a grant.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. No one has signed up to bring Dessert. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for Sept. 20
2018-09-04 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Nancy Paulson with Houses into Homes District grant check presentation
- Our Partners, Samaritan's Purse will also have representatives to explain their program.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Steve Clarkson has signed up to bring Dessert. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for Sept 6
2018-09-04 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Glenn Gomez - co-chair of the HummerBird Festival, September 13-16
HummerBird Celebration - The communities of Rockport and Fulton, Texas celebrate the arrival of the tiny winged ones Sept. 13-16, 2018 with a reception, workshops, HummerBird Malls, bus and boat tours, exhibits, banding, and lectures presented by world-renowned experts. 361-729-6445. Go to www.rockporthummingbird.com for more information. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Jerry Channell has signed up to bring Dessert- Someone needs to go shopping and he will pay. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for Aug 30
2018-08-28 05:00:00Z |
Information about Membership, Foundation and Public Image for club members (not just leadership). This training will be held on Saturday, September 15, 2018 at Texas A&M Kingsville Student Union Building starting with a General Session starting at 9:00 am. The Breakout sessions will begin at 9:30 am. Check-in opens at 8 am. We have invited Joanna JJ Nichols, an Ambassadorial Scholar alumni and Rotarian from District 5810 a motivational keynote speaker for our lunch meeting. Breakout sessions will resume at 1:30pm to 3:30pm for the Membership, Foundation, and Rotary Public Image sessions. Cost is $35 per person and the club has funds to send 10 members. If you have been there -- learned that -- even have the t-shirt >>>>> this might be the event for you. Join us for a set of seminars on how to effectively build leaders in your club. Facilitators will share experiences and knowledge on how to move beyond simply managing to truly leading your club by building effective leaders. These seminars will provide the basics on powerful strategies you can use to boost morale and energize your club. We are presenting Part 1 on September 15. It includes these topics - Insights Into Leadership
- My Rotary World
- Ethics-Vocation Service
- Foundation I: Our Foundation
- Engaging Members
- Creating Service Projects
Cost is $50 per person and the club has NOT budgeted for this at this time.
District Training Opportunities
2018-08-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Suzie Reuber - author of book titled "Not Gone With the Wind" will be sharing her experience. She will have books to purchase for $20 - cash, check or credit card. Suzie will be signing any books purchased.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. No one has signed up to bring Dessert. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for Aug 23
2018-08-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Nancy Paulson - Taste of Rockport-Fulton - Re-Imagined after Harvey
- New Addition to our Fundraising opportunities
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Angie Ruddock has signed up to bring Dessert. Please remember to sign-up for Dessert, Social Meeting organizer and interesting speakers.
Club Meeting for Aug 16
2018-08-15 05:00:00Z |
RI President Barry Rassin focuses on the need to make changes in our organization, and the importance of public image, in his video message for Membership Month. "To serve our communities well, we need to represent our communities in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and background. We need to start reaching out to people who may not know about Rotary."
Watch Rassin's message to learn more about how you can help build Rotary's membership so we can be more effective People of Action.
In celebration of Membership Month
2018-08-07 05:00:00Z |
Starting in July 2018, The Rockport Rotary Club continues to meet on Thursdays. BUT . . . - First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays will continue to be held at Noon - 1:00 at the Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport
- The Second Thursday meeting will be moved to 5:00 - 6:30 pm at a rotating location. Sometimes member's home, a restaurant, or a park. Check the website/bulletins for the location. Check the speakers list and/or calendar for location.
Members are asked to signup for hosting a Second Thursday meeting and desserts for the Noon meetings. We encourage non-members to come to any and all of our meetings to get to know us and our service projects. The Second Thursday meetings will be more informal meetings - Mix, Meet and Mingle Open house style Come and go as your schedule allows
Meeting changes This Rotary Year
2018-07-31 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Keith Barrett, Harbormaster, with an update on the status of the Aransas County Navigation District
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Aug 2
2018-07-31 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - William Whitson from the Long Range Planning Committee - sharing about the Community Projects proposed and in the works for the County, City and Town
- Grant Presentation to the Friends of Connie Hagar
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for July 26
2018-07-25 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Warriors United Veterans Retreat
- Induction of new member - Beverly Trifonidis
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for July 18
2018-07-18 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. NEW! The Rockport Rotary Club will continue to meet on Thursdays. BUT . . .- First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays will continue to be held at Noon - 1:00 at the Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport
- The Second Thursday meeting (September 13) is moved to 5:00 - 6:30 pm at Glow Restaurant.
- Address: 1815 Broadway St, Rockport, TX 78382
- Angie Ruddock and Symphonic Financial Advisors will provide the first round of appetizers.
- No need to bring anything, but yourself - plus spouse/partner, co-worker, friend, friend of Rotary or someone who want to find out about Rotary.
- We have also invited members from the Port Aransas, Aransas Pass and Ingleside clubs to join us.
We encourage non-members to come to any and all of our meetings to get to know us and our service projects. The Second Thursday meetings will be more informal meetings - Mix, Meet and Mingle - open house style - come and go as your schedule allows. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays
Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
This week's Program: - New evening Social Meeting. There will be no Thursday Noon meeting.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for September 13
2018-07-10 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. NEW! NEW! The Rockport Rotary Club will continue to meet on Thursdays. BUT . . .- First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays will continue to be held at Noon - 1:00 at the Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport
- The Second Thursday meeting (August 9th) is moved to
5:00 - 6:30 pm at Texas Maritime Museum. - Address: 1202 Navigation Cir, Rockport, TX 78382
- Sam Spears is bringing BBQ brisket
- Everyone else - bring a dish to share - appetizer, salad, dessert
- This month we have two special visitors - Rotactors from United Kingdom here on volunteer work for Harvey Recovery. We may also have some other district leaders and/or Rotactors.
- We have also invited members from the Port Aransas, Aransas Pass and Ingleside clubs to join us.
We encourage non-members to come to any and all of our meetings to get to know us and our service projects. The Second Thursday meetings will be more informal meetings - Mix, Meet and Mingle - open house style - come and go as your schedule allows. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays
Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
This week's Program: - New evening Social Meeting. There will be no Thursday Noon meeting.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for August 9
2018-07-10 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. NEW! NEW! The Rockport Rotary Club will continue to meet on Thursdays. BUT . . .- First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays will continue to be held at Noon - 1:00 at the Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport
- The Second Thursday meeting (July 12) is moved to
5:00 - 6:30 pm at President Steve's home. - Address: 401 Inverrary #25, Rockport
We encourage non-members to come to any and all of our meetings to get to know us and our service projects. The Second Thursday meetings will be more informal meetings - Mix, Meet and Mingle - open house style - come and go as your schedule allows. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon First, Third, Fourth, (Fifth) Thursdays
Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
This week's Program: - New evening Social Meeting. There will be no Thursday Noon meeting.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for July 12
2018-07-10 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Induction of three new members - Jeff Coleman, Beverly Trifonidis, Gary Goldate
- Explanation of two phone apps to keep in touch with members and events
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for July 5
2018-07-03 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Installation of Officers for 2018-2019. Installing Officer, PDG Debbie High.
President* Steve Clarkson | Foundation Jerry Channell | President Elect* Nancy Paulson | Sergeant at Arms Terri Whitman | Vice President* Darren Sigwald | Membership Angela Ruddock | Secretary* Phyllis Kline | Public Relations Angela Attal | Treasurer* Nancy Paulson | Youth Programs/SOTM Adelaide Marlatt | Club Administration* Cynthia Middleton | Service Projects | Immediate Past President* Yvonne Perez | | Scholarship Committee Phyllis Kline • Adelaide Marlatt Sam Spears • Jeannie Wittliff • Steve Clarkson |
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday June 28
2018-06-26 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Phyllis Kline with a Real Estate market update.
- Next week will be the Installation of Officers for 2018-2019.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday June 21
2018-06-19 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Mike Probst from the Rockport Pilot with Odds and Ends from the Newspaper World
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday June 14
2018-06-12 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Beverly Trifonidis with the Rockport Cultural Arts District will give us a presentation and update on the RCAD.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday June 7
2018-06-06 05:00:00Z |
Scholarship awardees from the Rockport Rotary Club Charles A. Evans Scholarship Foundation for 2018.
Scholarship Students for 2018
Nancy Paulson
2018-05-29 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Steve Clarkson and a Club Assembly - election of officers for next year, speaker signup, social signup, and project list. Come voice your opinion for our schedule of work and service projects.
- Sharing about the Ramp to be built for a Polio Survivor in Rockport. The lead builders will be the Southside Corpus Christi Ramp Champs with an assist from the Rockport Rotary Club. Build takes place on June 2. Find out more info by talking with a Rotarian.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday May 31
2018-05-29 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Sara Flathery from the Rockport Little League will share about the impact our Harvey Grant made to the organization. We also have a banner for the field fence to present.
- Sharing about the Ramp to be built for a Polio Survivor in Rockport. The lead builders will be the Southside Corpus Christi Ramp Champs with an assist from the Rockport Rotary Club. Build takes place on June 2. Find out more info by talking with a Rotarian.
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday May 24
2018-05-22 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Adelaide Marlatt with our Student of the Month - Alyssa Dykes, high school student extraordinaire, will be our last shining star of the 2018 school year. She is a shining star, member of NHS and plays softball. I think we will enjoy meeting her.
- Virtual Reality videos created by Rotary International - "One Small Act" and "I Dream of An Empty Ward"
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Still looking for one more speaker for this Rotary Year on May 31.
Club Meeting for Thursday May 17
2018-05-15 05:00:00Z |
Calling all Rotarians, Family, Friends, and supporters! Meet at the field to enjoy fellowship and the game! Let's strike out POLIO! End Polio! Tickets are $10.
Polio Night with the Hooks
2018-05-09 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday May 10
2018-05-09 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - "Getting Social and maybe some new members and Rotary Awareness" - Nancy Paulson
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday May 1
2018-05-01 05:00:00Z |
Saturday, May 5, 2018 8:30 am - 3:30 pm Cost: $35.00 (club can pay for up to ten attendees, we need 8 attending for an award status for Steve's year) includes morning goodies and Lunch Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds 1213 Terry Shamsie Boulevard Robstown, TX 78380 Session Topics include: - Re-igniting Our Club’s Membership
- Promoting Rotary’s Public Image
- Leadership Development and Team Building
- Club Administration: Club Treasurer/Club Secretary
- Promote & Support Our Rotary Foundation
- Rotary Grant Certification Training
- Supporting our Rotary Youth Programs
- Assistant Governor Training
District Assembly for 2018
2018-04-25 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Ellison Crider, DGN and Foundation Chair and Alissa Adkins will be presenting information and the latest data on Rotary's efforts to END POLIO NOW.
- Information on scholarships given from the Foundation
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday April 26
2018-04-25 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Student of the Month - Allison Sanders - We will see a familiar face in Allison - she was a featured speaker on the Ellen show about Rockport Fulton High School and a fantastic donation - see the video here- Information on record setting The Taste of Rockport-Fulton 2018
- Diane Probst with the We're Back Campaign - watch a video with George Straight
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday April 19
2018-04-18 05:00:00Z |
17th Annual Taste of Rockport/Fulton – Saturday, April 14, 2018 The Rockport Rotary Club will be presenting a “Tantalizing Evening” of the best food Rockport has to offer. Hurricane Harvey destroyed our usual event location and temporarily shut down many of our regular participant restaurants. However, we are determined to continue this important annual event despite Harvey. We proudly announce that this year’s event will be held in our temporary and “NEWEST” location in downtown Rockport, The Rock Bottom Park and Pub, 507 Austin St. Admission this year will be free. Downtown merchants will stay open late and more entertainment is being planned. In the past all funds raised through this event went toward scholarships for graduates from Rockport-Fulton high school. Since 1980 the Rotary Scholarship Foundation has awarded over $250,000 in scholarships. This year, we will be accepting donations toward this important scholarship fund. FACTS WHAT: TASTE OF ROCKPORT FULTON WHEN: SATURDAY, APRIL 14, 2018 WHERE: ROCK BOTTOM PARK AND PUB 507 Austin Street HOURS: 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. ADMISSION: FREE EVENT RAISES MONEY FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES FOR COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS
Taste of Rockport-Fulton 2018
2018-04-03 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Tom Schmid from Texas State Aquarium with an update and their current program
- Information on The Taste of Rockport-Fulton happening on April 14
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday April 5th
2018-04-03 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Kathy Roberts-Douglass with an update on Texas Maritime Museum
- Information on The Taste of Rockport-Fulton happening on April 14
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday March 29th
2018-03-28 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: - Student of the Month for February - Drew Scott and March - Luke Michael
- Vocational Award
- Information about the MotoRide coming to town on Sunday.
- Information on The Taste of Rockport-Fulton happening on April 14
- Harvey Grant Awards
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing courtesy of Yvonne Perez..
Club Meeting for Thursday March 22nd
2018-03-20 05:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Joey Patek, Superintendent of ACISD with a report on the State of the Schools and District. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing courtesy of Myra Kline. Our March 15 meeting will be at Latitude 28 02 at 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382. Still a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday March 8th
2018-03-06 06:00:00Z |
Spread the word! We need your help planting 100 trees at Camp Aranzazu!
Camp Aranzazu is a special needs outdoor camp in Rockport, Texas that suffered severe damage from Hurricane Harvey. Special thanks to District 5930 for providing funding for this important project. Project will be on Saturday, March 10, 2018 starting at 9 am. All Rotarians in District 5930 are invited to help. Lunch will be provided, so please RSVP to lysa@rotarycc.com or 361.882.8672 so we can make sure there is enough food for everyone. Camp Aranzazu will have additional projects available that day as well.
Corpus Christi Rotary is Coming to Rockport
2018-02-28 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Diane Probst with an Update of New Businesses and Expansion. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing courtesy of Jerry Channell brought by Nancy Paulson (Jerry will be recovering from ear surgery). Our March 15 meeting will be at Latitude 28 02 at 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382. Still a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday March 1st
2018-02-28 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Suzy Reuber, an author writing a book about Hurricane Harvey sharing some of the interesting stories she has heard. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Our March 15 meeting will be at Latitude 28 02 at 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382. Still a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday February 22nd
2018-02-21 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Not really sure at this time due to some last minute changes. Several exciting possibilities though. Come and see what happens. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing courtesy of Phyllis Kline. Our March 15 meeting will be at Latitude 28 02 at 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382. Still a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting.
Club Meeting for Thursday February 15th
2018-02-14 06:00:00Z |
 As you might recall last year a group of Rotarians and Non-Rotarians, rode our motorcycles 850 miles around our district and raised $10,500 for Polio Plus. This year we are doing it again, but we need your help to surpass last years results. This year half of the proceeds will go to help with Hurricane Harvey relief. There are several ways your club and individual members can help. BE A RIDER, sign up to ride the event. Fill out the attached participant form and send it back to me with your registration fee. You are also encouraged to raise funs You can ride the full ride starting in Laredo, or you can jump on the ride as we make our way around the district. Either way we need your form and waiver. BE A DONOR, fill out a donor form and agree to support our cause, as a club or individuals. BE A SPONSOR, fill out the sponsor form and send us your forms and logo so we can put you on the t-shirt and shout out on social media. BE ON THE ROUTE, come out to the route to see us and help us create a photo opp at the different stops. I hope you will spread the word to your clubs and get behind this FUNdraiser. Thank you. Best Regards J M Dickerson Lt. Governor for Youth Services 2015-2018 District 5930 RotaryPolioMoto.org The Laredo Rotary Club
Help Fight Polio & Provide Relief from Hurricane Harvey
2018-02-05 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Laura Bonneau from Aransas National Wildlife Refuge will be sharing about the state of the Whooping cranes and the Refuge after Harvey. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday February 8th
2018-01-22 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place:Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport.They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt. We will have two Students - Helen Hartman - December SOM and Blake Mieth January SOM. Grant monies distributed to several recipients. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday January 25th
2018-01-22 06:00:00Z |
The 911 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit is a tribute to all those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001, including, of course, the 343 members of the FDNY who made the ultimate sacrifice. The high-tech, 53-foot tractor-trailer, which transforms into a 1,000-square-foot exhibit, is a tool to further educate citizens throughout the country about the events of that tragic day.
COST: FREE Printable poster The Rockport Rotary Club, our District 5930 and neighboring District 5870 are co-sponsors of this event. Attached and below is some information if you want to promote this event. We have some of our hotels open, Portland and Corpus Christi have hotels or it could be a day trip for many of your members. We are is trying to keep the community lively with events as we deal with the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey. We have an opportunity to bring the 911 Memorial Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Exhibit to the festival grounds Presidents Weekend Feb. 16-19, 2018. Below is a link to the exhibit. The 911 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit will include two NYC Firefighters to narrate the tours. The admission will be free. We hope to also have a local First Responder Static Display of vehicles.
The 911 Never Forget Mobile Exhibit
2018-01-18 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Today's meeting has been cancelled due to a water main break at the Library. posted 10:00 am 1/18/2018 Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: Aransas County Library, 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street. This week's Program: Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday January 18th
2018-01-17 06:00:00Z |
Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Magnolia St side)301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: Mike Koerner from the Long Term Recovery of Rockport, Fulton and Aransas County It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing. Starting next week we will be meeting at the Aransas County Library. It is located at 701 E Mimosa St, Rockport. They ask that you please park to the side of the building off of Pearl Street.
Club Meeting for Thursday January 11th
2018-01-08 06:00:00Z |
We are getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Magnolia St side)301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: - Awarding of several Hurricane Harvey Grants
- Visit from our District Governor Betty Ramirez-Lara
- Award Presentation to PDG Debbie High
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday January 4th
2018-01-02 06:00:00Z |
We could bemoan the fact that we are getting to the end of another year. (Or be glad that 2017 is over - freezes, drought, hurricane, snow, and earthquake!!) We could also get excited that we are only half way through the Rotary Year. I chose the later. Our Club has the people, ideas and energy to do so much more. To the dedicated Rotarians who make our Club and Rotary in general the success that it is: "Thank You." Now, reach around with your hand and pat yourself on the back. You deserve it. Have a well deserved rest and enjoy your family and friends over the Christmas Season and let's get back together in the new year with the desire to continue to "Lend a Hand" in our family, our community and world, as a Rotarian. It is good to be a Rotarian and have friends from all walks of life. It is good to have shared interests in giving back to the community and living by the statement, "service above self." As we draw this year to a close, let us recall our past successes, put them into our pockets as confidence coins and face the new challenges of the year knowing we are rich in confidence as a successful club. In the future, when we meet the challenges and are not sure of our direction, let's reach into our pockets reflect on the confidence coins and know that we are prepared to move forward to be successful again. As we reflect on the year that has passed and approach a new year, ponder on what we can do as a club to continue to make a difference in our community. As Gandhi said, “you must be the change you want to see in this world.” What changes do you personally plan to make to see changes in our community, local and world-wide? Let us remind ourselves once again why Jesus came into this world and it seems apt to pray now more than ever “let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.” Pray we will have a peaceful, enjoyable and safe holiday season. Wishing for you, your families and visiting friends, peace, love, happiness, and prosperity this Christmas and always.
Holiday, Christmas, New Year message from your Webmaster
2017-12-18 06:00:00Z |
The Rockport Rotary will be dark on December 21 and 28 for Christmas and New Year's. See you on January 4th.
Club is dark for the next two weeks.
2017-12-18 06:00:00Z |
Next week, December 14 is our Christmas and Holiday meeting. We will be having a special meal catered by Paradise Key. Here is a reminder of the rules. Thieving Elves Gift Exchange RulesHere are the basic rules: 1. Each player brings one wrapped gift to contribute to a common pool We have a $20 limit this year.
Thieving Elves Gift Exchange
2017-12-05 06:00:00Z |
We are getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Church St side) 301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: Another Restaurant from Taste of Rockport-Fulton and more. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing. Our Thieving Elves Program will be on December 14th. The Rockport Rotary will be dark on December 21 and 28 for Christmas and New Year's.
Club Meeting for Thursday December 7th
2017-12-05 06:00:00Z |
Meeting Day - Thanksgiving - November 23rd
There is no Rotary Meeting on this Thursday, November 23, 2017. Your time and recognition will not be forgotten by anyone who receives a Thanksgiving blessing from you. This year, share your thankfulness by starting a holiday tradition everyone will love. If you are looking for a little something more, I have included a few gems and hopefully you can find the perfect thank you for anyone on your list. When the big feast comes around, don’t forget what Thanksgiving is all about. Being thankful is an important part of being happy and sharing this joy with others will only elevate your holiday. Oh, and remember to give your compliments to the chef, it is Thanksgiving after all. - There have been times when I forgot to thank you for being there for me. I take this day to tell you how special you are and how great my life has become because of you. Have a memorable Thanksgiving.
- May your stuffing be tasty. May your turkey plump, may your potatoes and gravy have nary a lump. May your yams be delicious, and your pies take the prize, and may your Thanksgiving dinner stay off your thighs.
- Wishing you a harvest of blessings, good health and good times. Happy Thanksgiving day!
- “Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year because it reminds us to give thanks and to count our blessings. Suddenly, so many things become so little when we realize how blessed and lucky we are.” -Joyce Giraud
- “We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.” -Anonymous
- “God gave you the gift of 86,400 seconds today. Have you used one to say ‘thank you?” – William A. Ward
- “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.” -John F. Kennedy
- “Vegetables are a must on Thanksgiving. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread and pumpkin pie.” – Jim Davis
- “Last Thanksgiving I shot my own turkey. It was fun. That shotgun going, BLAM! Everybody at the supermarket just staring. Why track them when I know where they are?” -Kenny Rogerson
- “Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.” -Erma Bombeck
- “Toasted, roasted, baked and done! Hope your Thanksgiving is loads of fun.” -Anonymous
- “Each day I am thankful for nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, dreams that turned into reality and likes that turned into love. Most importantly though, I am thankful for you today and everyday.” -Anonymous
We will also be dark on December 21 and 28 for Christmas and New Year's. Our Thieving Elves Program will be on December 14th.
Meeting Day - Thanksgiving - November 23rd
2017-11-20 06:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday November 16thWe are getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Church St side) 301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: Students of the Month for October and November, Another Restaurant from Taste of Rockport-Fulton and a Report on Grants and Donations. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing. The Rockport Rotary will not meet next week for Thanksgiving. We will also be dark on December 21 and 28 for Christmas and New Year's. Our Thieving Elves Program will be on December 14th.
Club Meeting for Thursday November 16th
2017-11-15 06:00:00Z |
Rockport Rotary Club has been busy supporting our community since Hurricane Harvey came to town. A distribution point for free supplies was setup at the Coldwell Banker offices with supplies from the clubs in Harlingen and Brownsville.- This was added to with a plane load of supplies from a club in Hawaii via a private plane landing at the airport.
- Rotarians from Brownsville, Harlingen, Corpus Christi, San Benito and San Antonio came to be workers at the distribution point and cleaning yards.
- District 5930 has accepted donations from clubs and Rotarians from around the world and our community has received some of those funds.
- Funds to Odyssey Afterschool Enrichment Program to continue their efforts with after school care and enrichment.
- Funds to Rockport Volunteer Fire Chief Steve Sims to replace lost housing. This was in partnership with a friend from Austin who also raised funds.
- Funds to each campus in ACISD for teacher supplies as they returned to their classrooms.
- Facilitated a distribution of specially loaded back packs to special needs children affect by Harvey.
The Rockport Rotary Club continues to provide service to our community and fellow survivors of Hurricane Harvey. Our service is not yet done and we are "Rotary Making a Difference".
Rockport Rotary Club has been supporting the Community
2017-10-30 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday November 2ndWe are getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Church St side) 301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: Town of Fulton Mayor, Jimmy Kendrick will join us with an update on Paws and Taws Fulton Convention Center and other questions. Signup sheets for Rockport Film Festival will be available for working the weekend. You can also check the open slots and signup online here. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday November 2nd
2017-10-30 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday October 26thWe are getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Church St side) 301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: Elena Rodriguez from The Rockport Center for the Arts is our guest this meeting with news and information about the Rockport Film Festival next weekend Nov. 2-4. She will also have tickets for the Red Carpet Party. Signup sheets will be available for working the weekend. You can also check the open slots and signup online here. It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday October 26th
2017-10-25 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday October 19thWe are getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the sharing. Meeting Day and Time: Thursdays at Noon Meeting Place: First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Church St side) 301 Hwy 35 North This week's Program: We are providing support to the recovery of Rockport, Fulton and Aransas County again. This time to the Odyssey After School Enrichment Program. Rockport Rotary and District 5930 Disaster Relief funds will be shared with this program that supports our children and community. The Director of Odyssey Jessica Picarazzi will be at our meeting to accept our donation.  Odyssey After School Enrichment Program - a 501 (c)(3) non-profit, community-based organization, provides a safe and nurturing environment during after-school hours for kinder through sixth grade children of Rockport, Texas. Odyssey’s intent is to provide children with a mentally and physically stimulating environment to enrich their lives after-school so that they may be successful in school and flourish in life. They also have other needs and have setup several ways you can help. Hey friends! Would you like to help Odyssey? We've set up an Amazon.com wish list with items we know were damaged by the storm. Any purchases support Odyssey and are shipped directly to our program, so you know exactly where your generous donation is going. Items needed are big and small! Check it out! Amazon wish list for Odyssey Enrichment Please consider purchasing one of these super cute flags. They were designed by a creative retired teacher just for Our community. They have a great message and a portion of the proceeds will help Odyssey get started again. Thanks for your support! It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday October 19th
2017-10-18 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday October 12thWe are slowly getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the decision making and sharing. Meeting Day and Time: | Thursdays at Noon | Meeting Place: | First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe (enter from the Church St side) 301 Hwy 35 North | Weekly Program: | Rockport Rotary and District 5930 Disaster Relief funds have been used to provide Rockport Volunteer Fire Department's Chief Sims with a new RV. Chief Steve Sims and his friend will be joining us and we will present his check. From the Go Fund Me page started by a friend: On August 24th Rockport, Texas took a direct hit from category 4 hurricane Harvey. Rockport is a sleepy coastal community of about 10,000 people and Steve Sims is the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Department. He and his men risked their lives and stayed behind to ride out 140mph winds in a metal building so they could respond as quickly as possible afterward. As you have seen from the national news, this was a deadly storm and the devastation in the Rockport area is akin to what an atomic blast must look like. Unfortunately Chief Sims also lost his home in the storm. He is sleeping in the fire station for now but in the coming weeks he will need a new home. My name is Robert E. Jones and I grew up in that area and now call Austin home. Steve is a good friend (we just spent 9 months rebuilding my scuba boat together) and an exceptional human being. So, while he is still commanding the fire department's response and recovery efforts, I am taking on the task of raising funds to purchase him a RV/camper as a new home. |
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing.
Club Meeting for Thursday October 12th
2017-10-10 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday October 5thWe are slowly getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the decision making. Meeting Day and Time: | Thursdays at Noon | Meeting Place: | First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe 301 Hwy 35 North | Weekly Program: | CATHY & DALE NORDGAARDEN CHAPLAIN COORDINATORS FOR BILLY GRAHAM EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION HERE IN ROCKPORT TO SUPPORT EMOTIONAL ANSWER SPIRITUAL CARE |
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Dessert sharing. There will be NO Board Meeting this evening, 10/4.
Club Meeting for Thursday October 5th
2017-10-04 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday September 28thWe are slowly getting our membership back to our meetings. Come and be part of the decision making. Meeting Day and Time: | Thursdays at Noon | Meeting Place: | First Presbyterian Church, Fellowship Hall, Cafe 301 Hwy 35 North | Weekly Program: | - Ways to Provide Service in Community
- Distribute the funds donated to the Club and District
- Report of new funds received and funds disbursed
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. Speakers will start again after we have a more permanent location and our community is a little more settled.
Club Meeting for Thursday September 28th
2017-09-24 05:00:00Z |
Club Meeting for Thursday September 21stDuring our meeting last week the consensus was we wanted the weekly meeting for Rotary to startup and continue with a modified format. To this end: Meeting Day and Time: | Thursdays at Noon | Meeting Place: | Coldwell Banker office Conference Room (Terri's Office) 404 Broadway (across from Chamber, beside Women's Club) | Weekly Program: | - Ways to Provide Service in Community
- Distribute the funds donated to the Club and District
It will be a brown bag, bring your own lunch meeting. If you know of another meeting place that could be more permanent, please check its availability and share at the meeting. The Rockport Country Club was extensively damaged and anticipates 9-12 months before opening. Speakers will start again after we have a more permanent location and our community is a little more settled.
Club Meeting for Thursday September 21
2017-09-18 05:00:00Z |
Rockport, Fulton and Aransas County are Strong and Re-building. Many of our current successes are due to donations of services, goods and funds from others such as you. Yes, I am talking to all the clubs and districts who have reached out to myself and several other members of our club - Rockport Rotary Club. As we are gathering ourselves, our families, our homes and businesses together - we realized you want to reach out with more than a phone call. We have a 501(c)3 foundation and are accepting donations. Your funds will go directly to Rockport Rotarians or members of our communities of Rockport and Fulton who have needs. 100% distributed - no administration fees. Please send donations to: Rockport Rotary Club Foundation PO Box 66 Rockport, TX 78381
Use button in the upper right column of our website to make a donation via credit card.
Support has been tremendous - Here's how to keep it going
2017-08-31 05:00:00Z |
From Yvonne Perez, President Until further notice or a change from the Board, the club will utilize the new flexible attendance authorized by Rotary International. From RI: Each member provides service or attendance at a Rotary function for at least 4 hours a month. How Rockport Rotary Club will structure our meetings.Starting Friday, August 25, to the best of their ability - each member will provide service to our community for 3 hours each month and
- attend a meeting/social event to be held.
- Board will set the date and time for the meeting/social event.
There will be no meeting/social event for September, 2017. Please consider adding an hour of service. We'll see you around our community and sometime in October.
Rockport Rotary - Moving on After Harvey
2017-08-28 05:00:00Z |
Our speaker today is Amanda Torres. She is the Community Planner for the City of Rockport, Texas. She oversees land use planning and floodplain management for her organization. In 2016-2017, the City of Rockport worked closely with Texas Sea Grant to develop a floodplain management plan, which is one activity that a community can do under FEMA’s Community Rating System to reduce flood risk as well as reduce flood insurance premiums for policies in the community’s Special Flood Hazard Area. The Community Rating System (CRS) is a voluntary incentive platform, under the National Flood Insurance Program, that recognizes communities for implementing floodplain management practices that exceed the Federal minimum requirements of the NFIP to provide protection from flooding. Guests and community members are encouraged to come and hear this important message. It affects all of us and our wallets. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 24th
2017-08-20 05:00:00Z |
A member, Adelaide, has come forward and will be both the Interact Advisor and Student of the Month Chair - BUT someone else must take over the Trash Pickup Project Leader. Who is willing to step up and we will have three positions filled? There are several positions that still need to be filled for this year. Please think carefully and see if you can fill one of these positions. Contact Yvonne Perez or Terri Whitman if you are interested or need more information. - President-Elect
- would serve as president 2018-2018 with DG Andy Hagan
- LS PETS training - Feb. 28 - March 4, 2018
- Interact Adviser
- Need to connect with the High School Interact club and adviser at least twice a year
- gather and share information with the Interact members from Club, District and Rotary International
- RYLA Adviser (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)
- Connect with HS counselors to identify students
- Coordinate transportation to and from the vent in February
- 4 Way Test Adviser
- Connect with HS counselors to identify students
- Work with students to provide guidance on what the speeches should represent
- Coordinate with Area Assistant Governor and District chair on the additional contests
- Trash Pickup Project Leader
- setup and lead the two trash pickup annually
- Facebook Poster
- post and share meeting information on Facebook
Your Club needs a few good ....
2017-08-20 05:00:00Z |
 The Rockport Rotary Club's Vocational Award for August 017 was presented to Jan Hill, Town Secretary for the Town of Fulton, Texas. This vocational award is presented to someone in the community who has exemplified outstanding professional achievement and high ethical standards. Jan Hill definitely qualifies. Jan has been with the Town of Fulton for seven years, after working with several other municipalities in Texas. The award was presented by Myra Kline with Ricky McLester from the Town of Fulton also in attendance.
Vocational Award for August 2017
2017-08-20 05:00:00Z |
Thursday Noon Meeting - 17thVocational Award for August - Project chair Cynthia Middleton assisted this month by Myra Kline. Vocational-Classification-Member GameSeveral names will be pulled randomly from a basket. Those members will be asked the following questions: - Your profession:
- Where you work now and what you do
- What the business sells
- Why you chose your particular business or profession
- Where you grew up
- Educational background
- Family
- Reasons for joining the Rockport Rotary Club
- What do you consider to be the most important question from our 4 Way Test and why.
Each member will have 5-7 minutes to share this information. We will continue this game next month and beyond during our Vocational Award meetings. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meeting this week - Thurs the 17th
2017-08-13 05:00:00Z |
Thursday Noon Meeting - 10thHALO-Flight presented by Danado Saltarelli - A non-profit helicopter emergency medical service for south Texas. HALO-Flight is just one link in the chain of survival for critically ill and injured patients. Other links include first responders, EMTs, paramedics, dispatchers, nurses, physicians, and specialists at area hospitals. Each of these links must be strong in order for the patient to have the best chance of survival. HALO-Flight’s service area covers 26 counties, 28,000 square miles and a population of more than one million. With bases in Corpus Christi, Alice, and Beeville, Texas, and in conjunction with regional hospitals, EMS, & law enforcement agencies, HALO-Flight was established to provide the quickest response time and highest quality of care to the critically ill and injured while enroute to regional hospitals as well as patient transfers to facilities outside the region such as San Antonio, Houston and Austin. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meeting this week - Thurs the 10th
2017-08-06 05:00:00Z |
For those that couldn't attend last week - or those that need a short recap. Dues and Billings are being done with a different program. Why? - You as a member have 24/7/365 access to your account balance through the club website. Directions can be downloaded here.
- You will need your username and password. Directions to find them and login can be found here.
- Bills will be sent via email on the last day of each month.
- Bills can be paid via credit card, if desired. Links are on the statement or within your account login.
Starting October 1, any member with a balance that is 60 days or more overdue will need to pay cash for lunches. Please contact Nancy Paulson, Treasurer if you have any questions.
News from the Treasurer and Recap of Last Week's Meeting
2017-08-06 05:00:00Z |
Thursday Noon Meeting - 3rdNew Features and Activities with the Website, Dues and an App!Nancy Paulson will demonstrate some new features of the website. She will also share news about dues and billing. There is also a new smartphone app available to members. (Well maybe not Darren and Gerry since they still use a flip phone! And they are proud of that!) Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235. Tuesday evening meeting - 1stDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 1st & Thurs the 3rd
2017-07-28 05:00:00Z |
 Help shape a child's mind by reading to them three times a week. When you read to a child they develop the reading skills they need to succeed in school. Sadly, not all children have books in their homes. That's why in 2011 H‑E‑B launched Read 3. Since 2011, H‑E‑B has donated nearly 3 million books to children in need. Members are encouraged to promote this program and its opportunities to family, friends and neighbors. There are some opportunities that we as a club could participate in. President Yvonne and your Board will be checking out the possibilities during an up-coming meeting.
HEB read 3 Program
2017-07-17 05:00:00Z |
Dear fellow Rotarians,  It is with the heaviest of hearts that I share the sad news that the President-elect of Rotary International, Sam F. Owori, died last night as a result of post-operative complications from a planned surgery. In this difficult time, I ask you to keep his wife, Norah, the Owori family, and Sam’s millions of friends around the world in your thoughts. Sam was a special person in so many ways, and his unexpected death is a huge loss to Rotary, his community, and the world. We will provide more details on plans to celebrate his life as they become available.
From the perspective of Rotary leadership, we will share information on the impact and the path forward as a result of Sam’s passing. In addition, we are establishing a memorial fund in Sam’s honor and will provide further details soon.
With enormous sadness, Ian
A message from our Rotary International President
2017-07-17 05:00:00Z |
Thursday Noon Meeting - 20th Our guest today is our District Governor Betty Ramirez-Lara
Betty Ramirez-Lara is the President/Owner of Utilities Services Experts USA, an Energy Brokerage Firm for consumer use. Betty raised 2 boys as a single mother. Year 2001, a banker friend said, “Let’s Go to Lunch” in her hometown of Weslaco, Texas. Betty instantly saw the value of becoming a member of the World’s biggest humanitarian service organization, Rotary International. Betty is a first generation U.S. citizen and first generation Rotarian. Betty met and married her Rotary husband Adam Lara in 2008 as he was making up a meeting at her Rotary Club, then McAllen North Rotary Club. As of 4 years ago, she is a Proud Member of McAllen South Rotary Club. Betty has received Rotary International’s Avenues of Service Citation Award 2013-2014, Service Above Self Award 2012-2013, Rotarian of the Year Award 2011-2012, a Paul Harris Fellow +5, Paul Harris Society Member, Bequest Society Member. Betty served as McAllen North Rotary Club President in 2009-2010, Asst. Governor 2011-2014, District Grants Subcommittee Chair since 2014, District Foundation Chair 2015-2016. DG Betty will be accompanied by her husband Adam, a member of the McAllen Rotary Club, and Nancy Ross, our Assistant Governor for Area 3 from Southside Corpus Christi Rotary Club. The evening before - July 19 we will host a Board Meeting from 5:30 - 6:45 and then a Dinner at 7:00. The location is Latitude 28 02, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382. Spouses of Board members, all club members and spouses or significant others are invited to join us for the Dinner. It will be a prix fixe ("fixed price") of around $20.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235. Tuesday evening meeting - 18thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 18th & Thurs the 20th
2017-07-17 05:00:00Z |
District 5930's District Governor Betty Ramirez-Lara will visit the club during our meeting on July 20. The evening before - July 19 we will host a Board Meeting from 5:30 - 6:45 and then a Dinner at 7:00. The location will be Latitude 28 02, 105 N Austin St, Rockport, TX 78382. Spouses of Board members, all club members and spouses or significant others are invited to join us for the Dinner. It will be a prix fixe ("fixed price") of around $20. Menu choices are - Chicken Florentine,
- Stuffed Shrimp,
- Fish Gilroy or
- Beef Burgandy -
- all will come with a salad and appropriate sides, tea, water or coffee.
- Desserts and alcohol will be on your own.
An invitation will be sent via email to all members once all the details are known. But save the date if you are interested.
Visit from District Governor Betty Ramirez-Lara
2017-07-07 05:00:00Z |
 Two hard workers got an award from Out Going President Stephenie Cochran. Phil Albin for TV images and sound system setup and Jerry Channell for our banners of banners. Our Guest Speaker on July 6 Patricia Arnold share about the varied services of Aransas County Medical Services Inc. (ACMSI) We are a 501 C-3 non profit corporation our goals are to be a community resources of Aransas County.Aransas County Medical Services Inc. (ACMSI) We are a 501 C-3 non profit corporation our  goals are to be a community resources of Aransas County. She also shared about the 211 Helpline service offered to all residents of Aransas County. Becky Mays also joined her and shared About the First Responders Ball on July 22 at the Northshore Country Club. More information can be found on Facebook and by calling or emailing Becky or Patricia. The last part of our program was a final Scholarship recipient. Madison Stacy, a returning student was awarded a grant. She was joined by her father. She is able to go loan free this year with the help of our scholarship and working to pay the fees and tuition. She is having fun, learning a lot and finally getting to the meat of her program - speech pathology.
Catching up on pictures
2017-07-07 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 4thCancelled for the Holiday - Please be safe and have fun with Family and Friends. Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 6thOur guest today is Patricia Arnold ACMSI telling us about the Texas 211 Program. Read her bio here. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 4th & Thurs the 6th
2017-06-30 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 27thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 29thInstallation of Yvonne Perez as President and the Officers, Directors and Committee Chairs for 2017-2018. District Governor for 2016-2017 Debbie High will be joining us to install our Leadership for this next year. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 27th & Thurs the 29th
2017-06-26 05:00:00Z |
Members are reminded to Signup for and attend the Community Table project tomorrow at the First Presbyterian Church.
Service Project - Community Table
2017-06-26 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 20thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 22ndRotarian Steve Clarkson with the next group of Scholarship students. - EMILY SPEARS
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 20th & Thurs the 22nd
2017-06-18 05:00:00Z |
 Steve Clarkson, Foundation President with the recipients of our scholarships at the June 1 meeting. All are returning students. - CLAIRE HARTMAN
Scholarship Students 2017
2017-06-16 05:00:00Z |
 Our Vocational Award for this month was awarded to Cindy Grieves and long-time resident and work in Rockport. Cindy has worked a variety of jobs for a variety of folks - always keeping in mid the customer and service to their needs.
Vocational Award for June
2017-06-16 05:00:00Z |
Thursday Noon Meeting - 13thOur guest today is Dr. Justin Hensley, MD discussing Free Standing ERs.Yes - Rockport, Fulton and Aransas County are getting an Emergency Room - open and manned by Board-certified ER physicians - 24/7/365. Dr Hensley will have a PowerPoint presentation showing the ends and outs of Free Standing ERs. The facility is slated to open mid-August. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235. Tuesday evening meeting - 11thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 11th & Thurs the 13th
2017-06-11 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 13thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 15thRotarian Steve Clarkson with the next group of Scholarship students. - CLAIRE HARTMAN
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 13th & Thurs the 15th
2017-06-11 05:00:00Z |
Steve Clarkson, Foundation President with the recipients of our scholarships at the June 1 meeting. - KATHERINE HAMILTON
Scholarship Students Part 2 2017
2017-06-05 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 6thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 8thRotarian Steve Clarkson with the next group of Scholarship students. - ALEXANDER PARKER
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 6th & Thurs the 8th
2017-06-05 05:00:00Z |
Rockport Rotary Project of the Trash Pickup along Pearl Street (hwy 2165) on 5/20/17. It was again a combination of people from the LDS church (9). Rockport Rotary (3) Interact Club (1). Great workers. Thanks to the City of Rockport for the use of their Trash Pickers and vests and to the Texas Dept. of Transportation for Bags, vests and for picking up the bags of trash once it has been accumulated.
Rockport Rotary Project of the Trash Pickup
2017-05-30 05:00:00Z |
Here is a picture recap of recent meeting programs.
Catch-up on recent Programs
2017-05-30 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 30thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 1stRotarian Steve Clarkson with the first group of Scholarship students. - KATHERINE HAMILTON
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 30th & Thurs the 1st
2017-05-30 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 23rdDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 25thRotarian Joey Patek will introduce us to the campus/level 2017 Educator of the Year selections for Aransas County ISD. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 23rd & Thurs the 25th
2017-05-21 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 16thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 18thAdelaide will introduce our Student of The Month - Morelle Tucker. She is a varsity tennis player, coach for the middle school program and National Honor Society member. She has some interesting college and career plans. Come Thursday to find out. Steve Clarkson will introduce and award one of our Scholarship awardees. Returning student Savanna Smith will be joining us on Thursday. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 16th & Thurs the 18th
2017-05-16 05:00:00Z |
Congratulations and Thanksto the members who were elected to serve the club for 2017-2018. President-Elect Yvonne Perez is looking for someone to fill the positions that have no one listed. Several opportunities for your service. Board of Directors | | President | Yvonne Perez | President-Elect | | Vice President | Terri Whitman | Secretary | Phyllis Kline | Treasurer | Phyllis Kline | Sergeant at Arms | Darren Sigwald | Immediate Past President | Stephenie Cochran | Rotary Foundation | Julie Roman | Evening Meeting Chairperson | Jim Elder | Director | Nancy Paulson | | | | | Committee Chairs | | Club Administration | Diane Probst | Membership | | Public Relations | | Service Projects | Diane Probst | Taste of Rockport-Fulton | | Oysterfest | | Scholarship Foundation President | Steve Clarkson |
2017-2018 Club Officers and Directors
Nancy Paulson
2017-05-08 05:00:00Z |
 This is another of the film series in conjunction with the Rockport Film Festival. Screening: The Doo Dah Man Two lives intersect when a conman running from the police and a college boy running from his past meet on the lonely highways of America's southwest. Filmed in Rockport, TX, this is a great film, and the filmmakers will be in attendance. WhenWednesday, May 10, 2017 Film starts at 6:00 PM Doors open at 5:30 PM Where106 S Austin Cost$10 Suggested Donation. All proceeds go towards infrastructure for the Rockport Film Festival
A Screening for the Rockport Film Festival
2017-05-08 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 9thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 4thProgram is Up by Stephenie Cochran. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 9th & Thurs the 11th
2017-05-08 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 2ndDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 4thMeeting location is changed - Come to Paws & Taws Fulton Convention. We will be setting up for the District Conference. Lunch will be provided at 12 noon. Jobs for all levels of abilities and capabilities. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club Changed for May 4. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 2nd & Thurs the 4th
2017-04-30 05:00:00Z |
 Martha McLeod and students from the Fulton Learning Center, ACISD visited the club on April 13. They will give us an update on their birding program and new bird booklet. Presentation of Rotary mug following Martha McLeod's program today on FLC birding program and bird booklet. Rose Tran, Principal of FLC, and Allie Cochran also in attendance.
Birding Program at Fulton Learning Center
2017-04-16 05:00:00Z |
May 4-7 - Conference of Rotary Clubs - District 5930 - Starts in Harlingen for Thursday, Friday-Sunday in Rockport-Fulton Registration open at www.Rotary5930.org
May 20 - Club Leadership Training Camp AKA District Assembly for 2017-2018, Richard M. Borchard Regional Fairgrounds, Robstown, TX, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM, Betty Ramirez-Lara, DGE, Printable Flyer
June 10-14
Important Dates
2017-04-16 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 18thDiscussion topics: - Guest speaker Nicole Barnes from Kailo concerning the Refinery Terminal Fire Company.
- Meeting location for the 25th has been changed to Nancy's House for a service project. Pizza and drinks will be provided.
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 20thOur program today is Student of the Month and Vocational Award. Come to Nancy's House for a service project on next Tuesday, April 25. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 18th & Thurs the 20th
2017-04-16 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 4thDiscussion topics: - Fundraising brainstorming, Senior citizen/elder service project and speakers.
- Next week the 18th - Guest speaker Nicole Barnes from Kailo concerning the Refinery Terminal Fire Company.
- Meeting location for the 25th has been changed to Nancy's House for a service project. Pizza and drinks will be provided.
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 6thOur program today is Martha McLeod and students from the Fulton Learning Center, ACISD. They will give us an update on their birding program and new bird booklet. Student Authors Fulton 4-5 Learning Center 4th grade — Kade Alston, Brent Birdwell, Cannon Chapman, Allison Cochran, Kaleb Conner, Talon Kenfield, Hudson King, and Keaton Solis 5th grade — Beau Blankenship, Camryn Cruzan, Carter Nguyen Engel, Laila Flowers, Emma Groseclose, Hayden Hoover, Michael Jones, and Brody Karl Rockport-Fulton Middle School 6th grade — Kate Hill and Sam Holden 7th grade — Cole Chapman Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 11th & Thurs the 13th
2017-04-09 05:00:00Z |
 Jake Manlove, winner of the Club's 4 Way Test Speech Contest, won the Area 3 contest. This advanced him to the District contest held on April 1 at TAMU-Kingsville. While Jake was able to compete, he couldn't stay to receive his award plaque and check. Jake joined our meeting on April 6 to receive these items. They were presented by our Chairperson, Calvin Scholz. District Governor Debbie High was also in attendance and helped congratulate our winner. Good Job Jake!
4 Way Speech Contest winner receives award
2017-04-09 05:00:00Z |
I got a sneak peak at the awards being given. I think Rockport Rotary Club is being awarded during the luncheon. Editor's note: This was confirmed 4/6 by DG Debbie High. We are in fact getting some awards - more than one. Last I heard Yvonne wanted to write a grant for next your. Additional members of our club need to be trained if she/we want to pursue this funding source. Club normally pays for members to attend district training. Nancy Annual Foundation Awards Luncheon for District 5930Come and hear first hand about another person FLYING HIGH WITH ROTARY. Amanda Lewis, Global Scholar, sponsored by Kingsville Rotary and D5930. Followed by Grants Certification Training Solomon Ortiz Center, 402 Harbor Dr., Corpus Christi TX 78401 April 22, 2017
Annual Foundation Awards Luncheon
2017-04-09 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 4thDiscussion topics: - Fundraising brainstorming, Senior citizen/elder service project and speakers.
- Next week the 18th - Guest speaker Nicole Barnes from Kailo concerning the Refinery Terminal Fire Company.
- Meeting location for the 25th has been changed to Nancy's House for a service project. Pizza and drinks will be provided.
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 6thOur program today is Martha McLeod and students from the Fulton Learning Center, ACISD. They will give us an update on their birding program and new bird booklet. Student Authors Fulton 4-5 Learning Center 4th grade — Kade Alston, Brent Birdwell, Cannon Chapman, Allison Cochran, Kaleb Conner, Talon Kenfield, Hudson King, and Keaton Solis 5th grade — Beau Blankenship, Camryn Cruzan, Carter Nguyen Engel, Laila Flowers, Emma Groseclose, Hayden Hoover, Michael Jones, and Brody Karl Rockport-Fulton Middle School 6th grade — Kate Hill and Sam Holden 7th grade — Cole Chapman Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 11th and Thurs the 13th
2017-04-09 05:00:00Z |
 It is happening HERE! District 5930's Conference of Rotary Clubs. Conference 2017We are planning a CELEBRATION!! May 4-7, 2017 Terri Whitman and JD Simpson are co-chairs. If they haven't already reached to ask you to help in some way - please don't be surprised if they do. The club has been asked to host the Hospitality Room on Thursday evening. We do not expect a large number of folks, but want to welcome those to do come in that night. It will be at the Cottage at Inn at Fulton Harbor Hotel. Flyers for Amanda Wirtz will be available for distribution to local businesses for posting in their windows on Wednesday. Please stop Nancy's to pick up a supply. A supply will also be at the meeting on Thursday.
Get Ready for District Conference
2017-04-02 05:00:00Z |
 The March Student of the Month, Kristin Wilson. Kristin is the daughter of David and Veronica Wilson. Throughout high school, she participated in the NJROTC program and served as a member of the Unarmed Drill, Physical Fitness, and Academic teams. Kristin is an active member of the National Honor Society and volunteers in the Children's Ministry at Church Unlimited. After high school, Kristin will attend Texas A&M at Corpus Christi to acquire a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education to pursue a career in education. She will work towards a Masters Degree in Education.
Student of the Month - March
2017-04-02 05:00:00Z |
 Congratulations to Carl Stubbs. Recognized today at Rotary with the Vocational Award of the Month for outstanding support and service to the community.
Vocational Award in March
2017-04-02 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 4thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 6thOur program today is Tanner Twomey of the CC Hooks. He will give us an update on the Corpus Christi Hooks Season. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 4th and Thurs the 6th
2017-03-25 05:00:00Z |
 Jake Manlove receiving the $300 check for winning first place in the Area 4-Way Test Speech Contest. The local contest was coordinated by Calvin Scholz and he was helpful to Jake in preparing for the Area Contest. Area contestants were the winners from Rockport, Aransas Pass, Port Aransas and Ingleside clubs. PDG J.D. Simpson was filling in for Stephenie as President of our club. Jake now goes to District - Let's support our student.District competition on Saturday April 1 at the Student Union Building on the Texas A&M Kingsville Campus. It will be followed by a luncheon with guest speaker David Postic. Cost is just $26.50 per person. 4 WAY TEST SPEECH CONTEST & Youth Luncheon
Saturday, April 1, 2017 TAMU Kingsville Guest Speaker - David Postic
Four Way Test Speech Contest
2017-03-25 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 28thDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 30th Our program today is Student of the Month and Vocational awards. The March Student of the Month, Kristin Wilson. Kristin is the daughter of David and Veronica Wilson. Throughout high school, she participated in the NJROTC program and served as a member of the Unarmed Drill, Physical Fitness, and Academic teams. Kristin is an active member of the National Honor Society and volunteers in the Children's Ministry at Church Unlimited. After high school, Kristin will attend Texas A&M at Corpus Christi to acquire a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education to pursue a career in education. She will work towards a Masters Degree in Education. Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 28th and Thurs the 30th
2017-03-25 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 21stDiscussion topics: - Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered. Thursday Noon Meeting - 23rdMeeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club. Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 21st and Thurs the 23rd
2017-03-19 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 14th
Discussion topics:
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 16th
Program is a report from Malcolm Dieckow and Keith Barrett.
Come hear about the new marina
Malcolm Dieckow is the Chairman of the Aransas County Navigation District.
Keith Barrett is the Harbor Master.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week Tues the 14th and Thurs the 16th
2017-03-06 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 7th
Discussion topics:
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 9th
Program is a report from the Chamber of Commerce on Business Development/growth in this Rockport-Fulton area.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week Tues the 7th and Thurs the 9th
2017-03-06 06:00:00Z |
Our president Elect Yvonne Perez attend LSPETS this past weekend. Our PDG JD Simpson also attended. JD made sure Yvonne got to be seated at one of the head tables at the Friday night dinner. She was introduced to Past Rotary International President Richard King. PDG JD Simpson was Master of Ceremonies for the evening.
Our Members at PETS
2017-02-26 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 28th
Discussion topics:
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 2nd
Program is our students competing in the Four Way Speech Competition.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week Tues the 28th and Thurs the 2nd
2017-02-19 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 21st
Discussion topics:
- Speaker - A World For Children Director Clarissa arranged by Julie Roman
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 23rd
 Program is our students we sent to RYLA - Rotary Youth Leadership Awards.
We will have 3 students at the Rotary meeting next week to tell about their RYLA experience. Our students visitors will be Helen Hartman, Daneilla Lovett, and Sophie Vaughn - Great outstanding students.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week Tues the 21st and Thurs the 23rd
2017-02-19 06:00:00Z |
February 23-26
- Lone Star PETS - President Elect Training Seminar
March 2-5
March 23
April 1
- District 4 Way Test Speech Contest, Youth Luncheon, Campus Tour, TAMU-Kingsville
April 22
- Foundation Awards Luncheon & Grant Management Training for 2017-2018 Grants
May 4-7
- Conference of Rotary Clubs - District 5930 - Starts in Harlingen for Thursday, Friday-Sunday in Rockport-Fulton
May 20
- District Assembly for 2017-2018
June 10-14
Dates to Put on Your Calendar
2017-02-19 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 14th
Discussion topics:
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 16th
Program is Student of the Month with Adelaide Marlatt.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 14th and Thurs the 16th
2017-02-12 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 31st
Discussion topics:
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
- Elderly resources, speakers and possible project
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 26th
Speaker and Program is Vickie Merchant sharing about the History Center for Aransas County.
The History Center for Aransas County showcases local heritage. Outdoor and indoor exhibits tell the stories of the real people of Aransas County. The Center provides space for displays, workshops, meetings and gatherings.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 31st and Thurs the 2nd
2017-01-29 06:00:00Z |
Billions of people throughout the globe have a BAD day, daily! They are challenged each and every day with seeking to find enough food to eat, shelter to protect and clean drinking water to keep them alive. Rotarians are helping.
Funny - Diaper Executives
2017-01-29 06:00:00Z |
Hi Everyone,
I want to let you know of something exciting event happening in conjunction with the Film Festival. One of the short films - “A Line in the Sand” has a longer version that we are screening on Monday, January 30, starting at 5:30 at 106 S Austin St (the old Kline building).
The screening will be free, but a $10 donation is suggested. We’ll also have free beverages and candy/popcorn for sale. The funds raised will go toward purchasing a bigger screen, better projector, and better speakers for our outdoor screenings. (Every year the screen size and sound quality is the biggest complaint at our Red Carpet Party).
I’m really excited about this film! It was the second highest voted short we screened at the Festival. And I really hope we can raise enough money to purchase some better infrastructure for our outdoor screenings.
I’ve got another film that I’m working on getting to screen in a similar fashion in February. I just wanted to keep y’all in the loop. Hope you see you all there!
Elena from Rockport Center for the Arts.
Free Screening: "A Line in the Sand"
2017-01-22 06:00:00Z |
Too often in this life we are too quick to judge. Too quick to anger. Too quick to retaliate. Rotarians are attempting to make a paradigm shift in the world to bring more understanding and peace by encouraging and fostering understanding among people of different cultures. Working to bring peace and understand to a world that needs it – Rotary.
Funny - Daddy
2017-01-22 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 24th
Discussion topics:
- District Conference and our assistance
- Open positions in the club for next year
- Global Grant and Women's Shelter project
- Topics and speakers for upcoming weeks
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 26th
Speaker and Program is Norma Martinez and Aim Hospice.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 24th and Thurs the 26th
2017-01-22 06:00:00Z |
In early December the club had a guest speaker - Awad from Sudan - who asked if any of us had old laptops to give to a project he runs where students repair and reuse the laptops.
JD Simpson is still collecting them. Melvin Dreiss already gave one. Laptops can be dropped off at JD's office - Dockside Properties, 2738 TX-35 BUS, Rockport, TX 78382 (beside Panjo's) or call JD and he will pick it up 361-550-2907.
Awad will be coming to Rockport again on about the 26-27th of January to get whatever has been given.
Laptop Computers for Awad
2017-01-16 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 17th
Guest Speaker: Art Zeitler, PDG and Assistant Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator
Discussion topics:
- Global Grant and Women's Shelter project
Service Project: Join us for CPS delivery of totes and blankets - Wednesday, Jan 18 at 9:45 at Children's Protective Services (CPS) offices in Aransas Pass at 524 S Commercial St, 78336
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 19th
Program is Student of the Month for January and catchup SOTM. January's is Jordan Bogaards, an active member of the Computer Science UIL Team.
Our Catch up SOTM is Brynne Grover form December.
Brynn is the daughter of Jill and Guy Sinclair. Throughout high school, she participated in volleyball, basketball, softball, track, and golf. She also competed in UIL journalism. In addition to her membership in the National Honors Society and the yearbook, she is an active member of the Young Life and the First Baptist Church.
After high school, Brynn plans to attend the University of Texas to pursue a degree in Communications to eventually become a location manager in the film industry.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 17th and Thurs the 19th
2017-01-16 06:00:00Z |
In Rotary's fight to eradicate polio, there have been setbacks, but each time Rotarians get up and continue the race to rid the world of polio. No child deserves being cripple when a simple drop of lifesaving medicine can protect them against polio.
Inspirational - The Race
2017-01-16 06:00:00Z |
The Wall That Heals
Veterans Memorial Wall
Arrives Feb. 1 Exhibit Feb. 2-5, 2017
Festival Grounds at Rockport Harbor
The Wall That Heals is an exhibition created by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) to travel to communities across the United States. Featuring a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., it is also accompanied by a mobile Education Center that tells the story of the Vietnam War era and The Wall. The exhibition will bring the experience of Vietnam to our community and will provide an opportunity for all to gain a heightened awareness of the impact and legacy of the Vietnam War.
Make contributions to help Memorialize the site, donate here or make checks to:
RF Chamber Foundation, Veteran's Wall Task Force, 319 Broadway, Rockport, TX 78382.
For Press Release, click here.
To signup to VOLUNTEER, click here.
For information on the wall, click here. http://www.vvmf.org/
Arrival, Training and Setup Feb. 1
Festival Grounds at Rockport Harbor
On February 2-5 (arrives on Feb. 1), The Wall That Heals will be in Rockport Texas. Everyone is invited to visit the wall.
However, at the request of the people that manage the Wall That Heals, it must be manned 24 hours a day while it is here. It will be manned by volunteers. The volunteers will provide security for the Wall, but more important, they will be trained on how to help people find friends and family member's names on the Wall. The training is mandatory and will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 1 at 5:30pm. at the Festival Grounds. For everyone that is interested, please go to this link and fill in when you are available.
The Wall That Heals
2017-01-12 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 10th
Discussion topics:
- Global Grant and Women's Shelter project
- Generate questions for Art Zeitler, PDG - next week's speaker
- calendar for January-June 2017
- outreach to other organizations for membership and partnerships
- Service Project: Setting the date for CPS delivery of totes and blankets
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club (1796 Bay Shore Dr). Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 12th
Program is Dominic Dominguez from Spohn Hospital arranged by John Jackson.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 10th and Thurs the 12th
2017-01-09 06:00:00Z |
Sometimes as we have just witnessed in this video, all we need to do to make a difference in the world is to be there.
Rotary is!
Rotary is in 186 countries across the planet, with more than 34,000 clubs, and 1.2 million members.
Our presence is a force for good on the globe.
Inspirational - Red
2017-01-08 06:00:00Z |
 Taste of Rockport-Fulton Chair, Terri Whitman is calling a meeting for Thursday, January 12 at 5:30 for all Rotarians to help with the planning for this year's Taste.
The meeting will be at Terri's office at Coldwell Banker, 404 Broadway (across from the Chamber and beside the Women's Club).
This year's Taste of Rockport-Fulton will be held on Thursday, March 23.
Taste of Rockport-Fulton Planning Meeting
2017-01-01 06:00:00Z |
A new feature on the website for 2017 is a series of videos. While they are not about Rotary specifically, they do demonstrate a concept, idea, feature, or facet, that we as Rotarians either exhibit or maybe need to. Have fun.
PS - Videos don't work in all emails, so you need to go to the website to see each weekly video.
New Video Series
2017-01-01 06:00:00Z |
Long ago Rotarians learned the power of working together to achieve an objective. As a result, we are making a difference in the world.
Working Together
2017-01-01 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 3rd - location change
Service Project: Preparing bags for CPS delivery
Discussion topics: Global Grant and Women's Shelter project
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Nancy Paulson's home. Drinks and snacks will be available.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Program is Norma Martinez and Aim Hospice.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 3rd and Thurs the 5th
2017-01-01 06:00:00Z |
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 27th and Thurs the 29th
Club will be dark and not meeting this week. See you next year!
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 27th and Thurs the 29th
2016-12-26 06:00:00Z |
Happy Holidays to one and all
2016-12-19 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 20th
Discussion topics: Thieving Elves Christmas program. Come and have some fun sharing and Review the Rules here.
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Club will be dark and not meeting the next two weeks - 12/22 and 12/29. See you next year!
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 20th and Thurs the 22nd
2016-12-19 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting - 13th
Discussion topics: upcoming service projects - CPS bags/blankets and Woman's shelter.
Next week (12/20) is Thieving Elves Christmas program. Come and have some fun sharing and Review the Rules here.
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting - 15th
Our program is our Thieving Elves Christmas program. Come and have some fun sharing and Review the Rules here.
Club will be dark and not meeting the next two weeks - 12/22 and 12/29. See you next year!
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 13th and Thurs the 15th
2016-12-12 06:00:00Z |
December 15
December 20
December 22 and 29
- Noon Meeting will NOT meet. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
February 3-5
February 23-26
- Lone Star PETS - President Elect Training Seminar
March 23
April 1
- District 4 Way Test Speech Contest, Youth Luncheon, Campus Tour, TAMU-Kingsville
April 22
- Foundation Awards Luncheon & Grant Management Training for 2017-2018 Grants
May 4-7
- Conference of Rotary Clubs - District 5930 - Starts in Harlingen for Thursday, Friday-Sunday in Rockport-Fulton
May 20
- District Assembly for 2017-2018 - TAMU-Kingsville
June 10-14
Dates to Put on Your Calendar
2016-12-04 06:00:00Z |
Ingleside Rotary Club hope this message finds you doing well and getting ready for Christmas season.
We would like to invite you all to our Paul Harris Christmas Party to be held on Saturday, 17 Dec @ 6pm at the Ingleside Municipal Airport.
The gathering will be to give away Paul Harris’s to local deserving members in a public setting . . .
with the hope of sharing the good works our clubs are doing and recognize those people who have served Rotary and our Communities well. The PHF honorees will include Rotarian who have gone before us (posthumously), past presidents and local awardee’s.
Who: All District 5930 Rotarians (Local Rotary clubs are encouraged (Aransas Pass, Rockport, Ingleside, Portland, Corpus Christi clubs, Sinton)
When: 17 Dec., 6-8pm
Where: Ingleside Municipal airport
How much: $25.00 tickets per person
What: Dinner and Paul Harris Program
- estimated 8-12 PHF will be awarded by Ingleside, Aransas Pass and other local clubs (Please email Dan Korus if you have one to present)
- Our 5930 District Governor Debbie High will be presenting the PHF awards
- The keynote speaker will be from The Rotary Foundation discussing what the foundation does locally and worldwide
We would like to include as many local Rotarians and local PHF honoree's at this event.
Please let us know if you'd be interested in participating or coming. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to give me a call.
YIR , Dan Korus
President-Ingleside Rotary Club
Paul Harris Christmas Party
2016-12-04 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting
Discussion topics: upcoming service projects - CPS bags/blankets and Woman's shelter.
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is our Student of the Month and Vocational Award.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 6th and Thurs the 8th
2016-12-04 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting
A Safety Awareness program to serve as a refresher and reminder about keeping ourselves safe as we go about our daily business. This is important for all persons: male/female, adult/child - in our business visits and personal - especially now during the holiday season. The Rockport Rotary Evening Meeting has made arrangements with Commander Larry Sinclair of the Rockport PD to come to our Rotary meeting on Tuesday, November 29th to speak. You are invited to attend and bring your spouse and friends and neighbors. This is open to the public and should be interesting and informative for everyone.
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is Awad Abdelgadir, President and Chairperson of the Mother Maryam Foundation (www.mothermaryam.org) . Awad A. Abdelgadir grew up in Zawrat village in Northern Province, Sudan. He is the son of Mother Maryam and dedicates projects to his mother's memory and to all mothers. He runs Nile Valley Herbs, Inc., which produces and markets hibiscus tea and supports humanitarian activity. He also teaches at St. Edward's University in Austin Texas. He is a member of South Austin Rotary Club.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 29th and Thurs the 1st
2016-11-28 06:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting
We will be planning/discussing our Public Service activity - Safety Awareness with . Read more details here. Other discussion topics: upcoming service projects - CPS bags/blankets and Woman's shelter. Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
There is NO noon meeting this week. Please enjoy Thanksgiving with family and friends. If you are alone - contact a Rotarian, one of us will have room for another.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 22nd and Thurs the 24th
2016-11-20 06:00:00Z |
 Odyssey Live Oak Garden Grant alive and growing again. Students every Friday spend time planting, maintaining and will eventually harvest their very own garden.
Odyssey Live Oak Garden
2016-11-20 06:00:00Z |
Here is a reminder of the rules. We may need to confirm some of the variations and nuances ahead of time. The board also voted to increase the value to $20.
Thieving Elves Gift Exchange Rules
Here are the basic rules:
1. Each player brings one wrapped gift to contribute to a common pool
The gift exchange organizer should provide information on what type of gift people should bring. We are going to $20 limit this year.
Thieving Elves Gift Exchange
2016-11-20 06:00:00Z |
 We have been talking for quite some time now about the need to have a Safety Awareness program to serve as a refresher and reminder about keeping ourselves safe as we go about our daily business. This is important for all persons: male/female, adult/child - in our business visits and personal - especially now during the holiday season.
The Rockport Rotary Evening Meeting has made arrangements with Commander Larry Sinclair of the Rockport PD to come to our Rotary meeting on Tuesday, November 29th to speak. You are invited to attend and bring your spouse and friends and neighbors. This is open to the public and should be interesting and informative for everyone.
The program will start at 6 pm at the Kay Allegro Yacht Club Tuesday, November 29th. I'm guessing about 45 minutes to an hour. You will be able to purchase appetizers, food and drinks at the Club. When you go in, ask for the Rotary meeting and they will direct you to our meeting room.
Bring friends and family! The more the Merrier and safer. Thanks. Hope to see you there!
Safety Awareness - A Public Service Activity
2016-11-20 06:00:00Z |
 The Noon Meeting was busy on November 17. We recognized two special individuals in our community. Hailey Sinclair was acknowledged by Rotarian Adelaide Marlatt as our November Student of the Month from Rockport-Fulton High School (right picture). Rotarian Diane Probst congratulated Shelly Stuart from the Rockport-Fulton Chamber of Commerce on doing a good job by awarding her our Vocational Award for November (left picture). .jpg)
Thurs Noon Meeting Highlights
2016-11-17 06:00:00Z |
 The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
It was established in 1957 to show appreciation for and encourage substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships.
When a Rotarian gives $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant, he/she receives a pin and certificate that recognizes him/her as a Paul Harris Fellow. A Rotarian may also recognize someone else as a Paul Harris Fellow by giving that amount in their name. Generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world. We recognize donors to express our gratitude for their commitment.
During our noon meeting on November 10, 2016, Rotarian Angela Attal was recognized by Ellison Crider, District 5930's Foundation Char and Terri Whitman, Rockport's Foundation Chair with her Paul Harris Fellow pin and certificate. Terri and Ellison also recognized Mary Channell, wife of Rotarian Jerry Channell, with her Paul Harris +3 pin. We thank Angela and Mary & Jerry for their donations to The Rotary Foundation.
Every Rotarian should strive to be a Paul Harris Fellow because for each PHF named, we know that $1000 has been given to The Rotary Foundation. Similarly, for each sapphire or ruby added to a Rotarian’s PHF pin, an additional $1000 has been given to The Rotary Foundation. We should celebrate each of these milestones (and gem stones) for what they represent. That is, a gift to The Rotary Foundation and an opportunity to do even more good in the world through the Foundation.
New Paul Harris Fellows Recognized
2016-11-14 06:00:00Z |
 The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International.
It was established in 1957 to show appreciation for and encourage substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships.
When a Rotarian gives $1,000 or more to the Annual Fund, PolioPlus, or an approved Foundation grant, he/she receives a pin and certificate that recognizes him/her as a Paul Harris Fellow. A Rotarian may also recognize someone else as a Paul Harris Fellow by giving that amount in their name. Generous contributions to The Rotary Foundation are essential to securing and growing Rotary programs throughout the world. We recognize donors to express our gratitude for their commitment.
During our noon meeting on November 10, 2016, Rotarian Angela Attal (below left) was recognized by Ellison Crider, District 5930's Foundation Char and Terri Whitman, Rockport's Foundation Chair with her Paul Harris Fellow pin and certificate. Terri and Ellison also recognized Mary Channell (below center), wife of Rotarian Jerry Channell, with her Paul Harris +3 pin. We thank Angela and Mary & Jerry for their donations to The Rotary Foundation.
Every Rotarian should strive to be a Paul Harris Fellow because for each PHF named, we know that $1000 has been given to The Rotary Foundation. Similarly, for each sapphire or ruby added to a Rotarian’s PHF pin, an additional $1000 has been given to The Rotary Foundation. We should celebrate each of these milestones (and gem stones) for what they represent. That is, a gift to The Rotary Foundation and an opportunity to do even more good in the world through the Foundation.
Paul Harris Fellows Recognized
2016-11-14 06:00:00Z |
Rockport Rotary Club is embracing some of the new initiatives allowed by Rotary International. We now have two meeting days/times/locations for the convenience of our members. Attend at noon, attend in the evening or attend both depending on your schedule and preference. We are all Rotarians belonging to the Rockport Rotary Club - serving the needs of our community - local, national and international.
Tuesday evening meeting
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
 Our program is our Student of the Month.
The Rockport Rotary Club is proud to announce the November Student of the Month, Haley Sinclair.
Haley is the daughter of Debbie and Larry Sinclair. Throughout high school, she participated in the National Honor Society, varsity volleyball, and UIL Academics. She is also employed at Bellino’s Italian Restaurant and volunteers her free time at Castaways.
After high school, Haley plans to pursue a STEM-related degree at the University of Texas.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 15 and Thur the 17th
2016-11-14 06:00:00Z |
November 15
- Comfort & Joy Bag giving to the Rockport Police Department at 2 pm
November 19
- Adopt-a-Highway Service Project cleanup - meet at 10 am at the corner of Enterprise and Pearl St.
February 3-5
February 23-26
- Lone Star PETS - President Elect Training Seminar
March 23
April 1
- District 4 Way Test Speech Contest, Youth Luncheon, Campus Tour, TAMU-Kingsville
April 22
- Foundation Awards Luncheon & Grant Management Training for 2017-2018 Grants
May 4-7
- Conference of Rotary Clubs - District 5930 - Starts in Harlingen for Thursday, Friday-Sunday in Rockport-Fulton
May 20
- District Assembly for 2017-2018 - TAMU-Kingsville
June 10-14
Dates to Put on Your Calendar
2016-11-14 06:00:00Z |
Rockport Rotary Club is embracing some of the new initiatives allowed by Rotary International to invigorate and expand our membership. We now have two meeting days/times/locations for the convenience of our members. Attend at noon, attend in the evening or attend both depending on your schedule and preference. We are all Rotarians belonging to the Rockport Rotary Club - serving the needs of our community - local, national and international.
Tuesday evening meeting
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is The Rotary Foundation. Our District's Foundation Chair Ellison Crider will be our speaker. He will share some exciting news about the Foundation. Ellison and Terri, our Foundation Chair, will present several Paul Harris Fellowships.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 8th and Thurs the 10th
2016-11-08 06:00:00Z |
 We will be reading to the second graders attending ACISD Live Oak Learning Center. The book is Andy & Elmer's Apple Dumpling Adventure.
Andy & Elmer’s Apple Dumpling Adventure is the story of a young entrepreneur who starts an apple dumpling business. With the guidance of a mysterious voice, conveying the Four-Way Test, he turns his venture into a wonderful success and makes friends along the way.
The story was written and illustrated by Andrew J. Shoup, a local children’s book author and illustrator. And the book is jointly published by the Rotary Club of Fairborn and TokoBooks.
Each classroom will keep the hardback edition for their classroom library. Each student will get a paperback copy, and activity book and a bookmark for their personal library. Each teacher will get a lesson plan for future use of the book.
Andy & Elmer Come to Rockport & Fulton
2016-10-30 05:00:00Z |
The original Adopt-a-Highway program began right here in Texas in 1985. Since then, it’s grown into a nationally and internationally recognized litter-prevention effort, saving taxpayers’ dollars and keeping our rights of way clean.
Adopt-a-Highway currently has more than 3,800 participating groups across the state, and we salute those thousands of individuals who dedicate their time to actively make a difference and keep Texas beautiful.
Rockport Rotary Club will be cleaning up our adopted two mile stretch on November 19 starting at 10 am. We have Pearl Street starting at the Texas 35 Bypass and going just beyond the Post Office. Questions - contact Adelaide Marlatt.
It’s volunteers who keep this Texas-born program going strong, and your help is needed now more than ever. Participation is simple:
- You adopt a two-mile stretch of highway for a minimum of two years. Note: Interstate highways are not eligible for adoption.
- You agree to pickup litter four times per year (more in some areas due to heavy traffic).
- Adopt-a-Highway signs will be posted with your group’s name at your adopted section.
- Adopt-a-Highway will provide your volunteers with safety vests, litterbags and safety training.
- You bask in the glory of claiming a piece of Texas pride.
Some of the commercials from the associated Program of Don't Mess with Texas"
Adopt-a-Highway Service project
2016-10-30 05:00:00Z |
Fireside Chat will be held on November 10th. We will meet at John Jackson's house from 6-8pm. This is a great opportunity to invite potential Rotarians! Invite them, spouses/significant others, and anybody else who could benefit from attending Fireside Chat!
Members have received a food sign-up sheet. It will also be available at this week's meetings. Please look over the food list and let me know what you would like to bring.
We are planning a fun event with laughs and fellowship! This is a great opportunity to socialize with all our fellow Rotarians.
- Enjoy social time and fellowship with fellow Rotarians!
- Bring potential members, spouses/significant others, and friends
- Pot Luck style meal to be served—sign up to bring a dish!
- Bring a chair or two and beverages of choice (water provided)
- Be prepared for a GREAT TIME and Lots of LAUGHS!!
See yall there!
Fireside Chat 2016
2016-10-30 05:00:00Z |
 The Comfort and Joy Bag project is designed to hopefully bring just a bit of those two feelings to a child/young person who may need it. We have packed these bags with some basic supplies, games, toys, school supplies, journals and a stuffed bear - all in a durable zippered tote.
On November 15 at 2:00 the club will present the first 50 of these fun-filled bags to the Rockport Police Department's Lt. Larry Sinclair. He will distribute to individual officers and patrol cars. Any time an officer comes in contact with a child under the age of 16, they will give them one of our Comfort and Joy Bags. Contact can for any reason - fire, accident, flat tire, welfare check, etc.
We are hoping that these bags may comfort a weary heart and create happy moments through what we give. It is a blessing to be able to make someone’s day brighter and better.
While we hope never to re-do this project of creating 50 Comfort & Joy Bags, we will be ready to supply more when the need is there.
Check out our Photo Album of the evening we stuffed the bags. Our District Governor Debbie High and 'First Dude' Joe were able to join us. DG Debbie was our photographer.
Comfort and Joy Bags Project
2016-10-30 05:00:00Z |
Rockport Rotary Club is embracing some of the new initiatives allowed by Rotary International to invigorate and expand our membership. We now have two meeting days/times/locations for the convenience of our members. Attend at noon, attend in the evening or attend both depending on your schedule and preference. We are all Rotarians belonging to the Rockport Rotary Club - serving the needs of our community - local, national and international.
Tuesday evening meeting
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is Laura Peterek, Texas Game Warden.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 1st and Thurs the 3rd
2016-10-23 05:00:00Z |
 Everyone likes to earn free money or points for rewards or free air miles. Rockport Rotarians can do the same.
Last year's board listened and authorized the establishment of Merchant Services for the club. So ...
Want to pay your dues and monthly statement by credit card ...
<<<<<<<<<< Find this section in the right sidebar of the home page of our website.
The secretary/treasurer also has a swiper for use with a smartphone for in person payments at club meetings.
Payments to the Club via Credit Card
2016-10-23 05:00:00Z |
Where do film screenings take place?
Traditionally, the Thursday night Red Carpet Party and screening is held outside, under the Autumn moon. The 2016 Red Carpet Party will take place on the lawn of the recently renovated 1867 RH Wood house, located at 203 N Magnolia street in Rockport.
The screenings on Friday & Saturday take place at Rockport Cinema 4, our local theater, at 2702 Hwy 35 N.
How do I attend the festival? Where do I purchase tickets?
Tickets can be purchased online through this website. Click here to buy tickets.
We recommend that you stay at the Lighthouse Inn, the official hotel of the Rockport Film Festival.
Watch a compilation of the trailers for all five features films.
10th Annual Rockport Film Festival
2016-10-23 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting
Please bring any items you have gathered for the Comfort and Joy Bag project.
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
The meeting this week will be at a different location.
On October 25 - the whole Rockport Rotary Club is invited to participate in a service project. We will be stuffing the Comfort and Joy Bags at Nancy Paulson's home. Time will be the same - bring an appetizer to share - pizzas will be ordered - libations will be available. Check the Upcoming Events list for directions.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is The Rockport Film Festival. Read the top story on our website. Watch a compilation of the trailers for all five features films.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Mark your calendars - On October 25 - the whole Rockport Rotary Club is invited to participate in a service project. We will be stuffing the Comfort and Joy Bags at Nancy Paulson's home. Starting at 6 pm - bring an appetizer to share - pizzas will be ordered - libations will be available. Check the Upcoming Events list for directions.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week Tues the 25th and Thurs the 27th
2016-10-23 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting
Please bring any items you have gathered for the Comfort and Joy Bag project.
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Mark your calendars - The meeting on October 25 will be at a different location.
On October 25 - the whole Rockport Rotary Club is invited to participate in a service project. We will be stuffing the Comfort and Joy Bags at Nancy Paulson's home. Time will be the same - bring an appetizer to share - pizzas will be ordered - libations will be available. Check the Upcoming Events list for directions.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is our Student of the Month.
 The Rockport Rotary Club is proud to announce the October Student of the Month, Angel Alcala.
Angel is the son of Luz and Marcos Alcala. Throughout high school, he participated in Student Athletic Training, the National Honors Society, Student Council, Business Professional of America, and PALs. He also devotes his time to giving back to the community through the Healthy South Texas Youth Ambassador program, Relay for Life, Pirate Landing, and playing the piano for his church.
After high school, Angel will likely attend the University of Incarnate Word and eventually attend med school to become a pediatric physician.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Please bring any items you have gathered for the Comfort and Joy Bag project to this meeting.
Mark your calendars - On October 25 - the whole Rockport Rotary Club is invited to participate in a service project. We will be stuffing the Comfort and Joy Bags at Nancy Paulson's home. Starting at 6 pm - bring an appetizer to share - pizzas will be ordered - libations will be available. Check the Upcoming Events list for directions.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 18th and Thurs the 20th
2016-10-16 05:00:00Z |
Tuesday evening meeting
Come with a Joke or card trick. We aim for fun. Bring a friend or two and join in.
Meeting is from 6-7 pm at the Key Allegro Yacht Club. Drinks, appetizers and/or dinner can be ordered.
Thursday Noon Meeting
Our program is a service project led by Kathy David. Come and lend a hand while we have lunch and fellowship.
Meeting is from Noon-1 at the Rockport Country Club.
Reminder: If you can't make the meeting - notify the Secretary - Phyllis Kline at Phyllis@PhyllisKline.com or 361-557-1235.
Club Meetings this week - Tues the 11th and Thurs the 13th
2016-10-09 05:00:00Z |